EP 889 Live Taping at the Wine Library Open House with a Special Guest

Gary Vaynerchuk tapes a second live episode during the Open House on July 10th and tastes with his dad (and everyone’s favorite guest), Sasha Vaynerchuk.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2006 Chateau CantemerleRed Bordeaux

2006 Villalta Amarone della Valpolicella Classico ‘I Comunali’

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Cheryl Henry Baker

Sasha is the only guest who can put Gary in his place.

Tags: Amarone, Bordeaux, red, review, wine, wines

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  • I really enjoyed this episode. Your show is addicting; the wine reviews are entertaining! Where did you get that great spitting bucket?

  • Don't do it! 🙂 Where's the spam police?

  • castello

    I don't see it on that link. Is it a video with Gary? or what?

  • Randall

    I think everyone USED TO be able to do what you described. But NOW (and for the last couple of WEEKS), you have to continually re-log in, the system doesn’t retain your identity (or avatar, or both), sometimes when you try to post, your ENTIRE MESSAGE that you just spent who-knows-how-long typing gets deleted before you can post it, you can’t post OR REPLY to anyone except by CONSTANTLY refreshing the page, if at all…
    Anyway, don’t listen to me… just go back and read the comments from the last few weeks to see the MANY groans of disgust and exasperation from MANY long time (and new) fans…

  • Cybercellar

    Great show Gary, really enjoyed it!

  • MarcBelgium

    I didn't like this episode. To long, to much laughter.

  • Really wished I could have stayed around for this taping. This show rocked…so many legendary one-liners and stories. I would love to hear about the cheap anisette story from SV. I am also glad I tried the Cantemerle at the bottle tasting party too.

    QOTD: I'm with SV on this as well.

  • Lurker Berserker

    WOW! What an episode… Where to start?… First of all, I think that your dad was the best guest you've ever had on WLTV. Not to be a jerk, but he was the guest that you showed the most respect to in all the episodes when you've featured a guest (as well he should be). I thought the banter between you two was endearing – I could feel the love. Like your dad, I too am a huge fan of the 2001 Allegrini Amarone. Tell Leonardo (Locascio) that he should pony up for bad goods. The Chateau Cantemarle is one that I will be picking up – looking forward to trying the '06 for myself. QOTD: I get your dad's point but I don't think that we should've fixed the oil leak problem (if we could have, that is) without properly assigning responsibility otherwise we never could've collected for restitution. Great show!

  • Anonymous

    Where were you dude!

  • Anonymous

    And, you voted for Bush……Twice!
    Let’s get back to the wine please. Sasha! No more politics on our winevlog!

  • amsgpwarrior

    Great show! Wish I could have been there. Have yet to drank a good bordeaux lately. Will try out the Chateau Cantemerle. Love your dad, he is a good man.
    QOTD: I believe, yes, we should have came to the Gulf's aid with much more support and resources. It's devastating seeing the wildlife caught in the aftermath of the oil spill 🙁

  • NY Pete

    even though you are entitled to your opinion …. BOO!

  • cellarrat5

    Great episode, a much more fitting finally to the “LIVE AT WL” special (even though it wasn?t quite live). Sasha is a very endearing, and your banter as mentioned by several other people on many different occasions is priceless. Could have used a little more wine nerd talk though, you know we always love that stuff.

    QOTD: Yes, the government should have taken control of the situation much faster. That being said, although this particular spill was very unique in many ways I do not believe the government or possibly even BP realized the severity of the situation until it was wildly out of control. As far as I have heard they have slowed if not stopped the leak by now, but this will be a landmark spill regarding legislation and various other deterrents such as BP compensating others affected by the aftermath of the spill. Not to mention the devastating affects on industry and environment which are yet to be fully understood.

  • TheGreatWazu

    Awe…did I strike a nerve castello? Did’ums vote for the idiot? Also…I don’t recall seeing you next to me in my voting booth. You’re pretty sneaky. You aren’t as dumb as you seem though, actually because politics should not be bought into a wine blog. I’ll give you credit for that…but not for butting into a convo I’ve settled with CorsicanBandit without your help. Be well despite yourself and I hope you’ve learned from voting for Blobama. It’s okay man. It’s okay.

  • AllanJonassen

    I see were you're going with this, but, i've got to say, i saw this as more of a celebration of what can be achieved within a modest community. What can be achieved in business, if you work hard at it, like Sasha & Gary obviously have done. Good on them, they deserve every bit. You know i mean it. 🙂

  • AllanJonassen

    Now….. Can……. We…….. Have….. Some.. Vino…………………….???………. 😉

  • Cubatobaco (Ray)

    Man, my buddy that was going to ride with me had a death in the family and I really didn’t feel like driving solo. I WILL be there Sept 25…if you can make it!

  • lovanc

    Great show.

    QOTD: I agree partially with your dad. I do think that there is too much finger pointing but I also assume that the government does not have the internal knowledge to stop the spill. What they should have done is used their might to pull together experts from other oil companies as well as universities and had them come up with as many remediation options as possible that could then be provided to BP or some other entity to execute. BP of course gets the final bill.

  • castello

    I'm ready! I'll get to that facebook request very soon. Just got home from the big apple.

  • castello

    Are you the Dan I walked to the Library with from the train?

  • SOrry Marc, we will take that into consideration

  • plcb

    QOTD: It's devastating. There may be good news today about their latest attempts. Let's hope.

  • RobinC

    I would only point one finger. I am pleased that Sasha is s concerned and involved.

  • RichieHell

    QOTD: Instant classic.

  • Best show in ages.

    QOTD: As usual with these things, people scramble to save their jobs, while making noises trying to fix the problem. There are reports the Russians have experts on hand offering ways to fix the problem (not the nuke solution!) but are being told there are no official means to offer aid. Red tape BS.

  • EDIT: Opps, double post, sorry.

  • laurieinvt

    That was a blast! Thank you Sasha, Mott and Gary! You guys could do a tap water tasting and make it fun!

    QOTD: I agree 100% with Sasha. So frustrating and infuriating to see precious time wasted with the blame game while an irreversible environmental catastrophe unfolds…

  • Alexandre-CF

    THATS A 100+ Pts SHOW.

  • Lorenzo

    good times

  • Gary, U da man…

  • Geez, this DISQUS tool is really a bear at home so now I need to answer when I get to work. Anyway, a show that made me smile the entire time, of course, you being with your Dad which is soo comforting and enjoyable to watch.

    Looks and sounds like everyone had a wonderful time at “The Lib” and only wish I had been there to enjoy the festivities. Unfortunately, I am under “house arrest” and cannot venture anywhere out on my own without getting heat from the boss. Oh well.

    Again, great show and good to see the Bordeaux was quite good especially as an '06.

    QOTD: Unfortunately, the BP oil spill has been another govt debacle and we can all point our finger at your boy Obama. Amazing just a short time ago everyone was blaming GW for the Katrina disaster response yet this will prove to be much worse. The poor souls of Nawlins were beginning to get back on their feet and then this. Truly heartbreaking. Let's hope this seal will work. Anyone taking bets on it working?


  • Sasha's are basically the only WLTV guest episodes I will now watch. He knows how to keep his son in check.

  • Phaser

    What a great dad and a great american. Sasha, you are the man.

    After a hard day at work, here I laughed. Thanks guys

  • Great episode; have your dad on more often, father/son chemistry works so well. Wish I could have been there – maybe next year!

  • JiminAtlanta

    I wish I could have been there. The two of you have a great comedy routine. QOTD – I think the government screws up most things, including the response to the oil spill. As someone smart once said, democracy is the worst form of government, except for all others. I wish there were a good alternative, but apparently there is not. Thanks for the show.

  • JayZee13

    As always, a GREAT show with the superstar that is Sasha Vaynerchuk! Loved it. Sasha, I would have been there but I was on business in Australia at the time. One of these days, I'll make it – and you'd better be there!

    QOTD: Most definitely, I agree with Sasha. The Government blew it big time. We have the resources to have attached this unnatural disaster and we chose to “point fingers” as Sasha says. Sad.

  • Jim Sobeck

    Sasha always steals the show! What a trip.

  • Just caught this. Best WLTV I've ever seen.

  • John__J

    Awesome episode sorry I couldn't make it up there, hopefully next time.

    Qotd: agree w Sasha on that 1.

  • Mmdynamite


  • Jessica

    Gary I thought this show was AWESOME!!!! Your dad is hilarious and adorable. The banter between the two of you was great. Probably one of my fave shows.

  • Anonymous

    sasha is da bomb!! best guest ever

  • John D.

    Love this episode G. Love the Cantemerle.

    Sasha’s Question:
    I live on the Gulf Coast & can’t describe the frustration we all felt down here. As a practicing engineer, it was a nightmare to see how it all unfolded. In short, our gov’t (Democrats & Republicans) chose politics over Solving The Problem. Decisions were made for political gain. People in charge were chosen for political reasons rather than their scientific & engineering expertise & capacity . This whole disaster only reaffirmed my decision to remain an independent & affiliated w/ no political party.

    That’s about all the political commentary you’ll get out of me my man.

    John D.

  • Bachboy111

    the amarone might be corked…….always have loved the cantemerle though. last bottle i had was a ’99 in October. they cellar real well.

  • Amanda Charpentier

    I agree, the Amarone sounds corked. Newspaper, attic, no nose. I’d give another bottle a shot. Excited to try the Cantemerle- just located 2 bottles of the ’05!

  • donna jackson

    Amarone is jammy and most men fall back on it for a special date. its really good at being predictable.. your dad and you are funny

  • luca bercelli


    Good show – worst question of the day ever!

  • Cheryl Henry Baker

    Sasha is the only guest who can put Gary in his place.


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