EP 921 Blind New Zealand Pinot Noir Tasting

Gary Vaynerchuk is back with the brown bags and puts 3 different New Zealand Pinots to the test!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2009 Oyster Bay Pinot NoirNew Zealand Pinot Noir
2006 Delta Hatter’s Hill Pinot NoirNew Zealand Pinot Noir
2008 Gunn Estate Pinot Noir New Zealand Pinot Noir

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Tags: New Zealand, Pinot Noir, red, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • Anonymous

    Nice show! My favorite New Zealand Pinot Noir is Russian Jack. Very close to a pinot from the Beaune region. Asian spice and cherries with a dose of raspberries and a little bit of funk on the nose. Only nineteen bucks!
    Getting ready for a big Bubbles Bash at our local Yacht Club. Already have over 100 signed up. Blind tasting of fifteen bottles of sparkling wine including DP, Nicky Fu, Vueve Yellow Label, some cava, Growers Champagne, sparkling Vouvray, domestic sparkling wine and some bubbles from Australia. I am super curious which will come in last and first. The only fair way is to do it blind. Also working hard on my blog…www.blucid.com.
    Doing a beer and food pairing Friday and hosting a “Ten Wines Under Ten Bucks in October” at my monthly wine tasting. Blah, Blah, Blah… But you did ask! By the way, my Colts have the same record as your Jets. We Will Meet! Cheers. Stan The Wine Man

  • Anonymous

    The Jets look pretty good, but the Colts are going to be to the Jets for awhile what the Pats were to the Colts a few years back.

    QOTD: Not enough NZ Pinot in Vancouver yet, although Spy Valley is solid

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: Loving the late summer weather in Sun Diego – 85 with little or no traffic/tourists in the forecast. Half way thru Crush it and just heard the last bit of your Web portion last Thursday. Interesting stuff hoping to catch the entire wine portion next time.

    Thanks for the passion… war the 2K10 harvest utilizing tweets to get thru the turbulent weather. Safe travels to S L T

  • Welcome back Gary.

    QOTD: Going to school to get educated and having heart attacks on Sundays watching my Pats play. I don’t know if Tom “the bangs” Brady and crew have it in them this year to beat out the Jets for the division, but I do think we are going to the playoffs. I am also calling for an 11-5 season but the Patriots will go in as a wildcard.

    Don’t listen to the haters Gary, I have always enjoyed your guests and I think they bring a nice change of pace. It’s always good to see what other people think about wine, even those who aren’t too familiar.

    QFG (Question for Gary): If you could have any football player (dead or alive) as a guest on your show, who would he be and what wine would you sample with him?

  • Anonymous

    do you have any good stogies? I’ll bring some vino!

  • Anonymous

    We missed you too!
    Pinot? Not so much. I’m going to try the Alta something you raved about a while back. I doubt it but maybe you can get me to like the fickle grape.
    Was hoping to see you in Tahoe this weekend but you’re going to Minnefrickkinsota?

  • Anonymous

    Nice episode, somehow seeing Mott’s face in the beginning really made my day. I think the guy could become a shrink or something, there’s just something very calming about his appearance.

    NZ PN’s start here at around 17? so and I really don’t find them that attractive considering the price point. I’d rather take a cote de nuits/beaune villages anyday over a NZ PN. However, I do remember kinda liking some vintage of Jackson Estate PN Vintage Widow.

  • First and foremost, I love the brown bags episode, and you should do more of them.
    Then for the QOTD I have a bottle of Tarapaca 2009 Chardonnay that’s waiting for me, so I will not make it wait any longer….
    Keep up the great show!

  • Nice episode, definitely going to find the Gunn Estate!

  • Anonymous

    It’s great to see you back in the house GV! Good episode once again.
    QOTD: Never had one before. I’ve been drinking alot of German whitewines apart from Riesling latley. A couple of Sauvignon Blancs, Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay…. There is really alot of great stuff outthere. People should try it!

  • Castello!!!! ( RandallNorCal says hello. 🙂 )

  • Just Jack!!!! ( RandallNorCal says hello to you as well. 🙂 )

  • Anonymous

    Gary is back, I just checked out from WL-rehab! Just kidding GV, we missed you! Thanks God you?re fine now. Nice show, love the brown bags, you could do a Bottle Format blind show too, try the same wine, from different bottle sizes, to check this wine myth.

    Life is nice down here, sugarcane harvest just started, so we are kinda busy, it?s great! Family is all right. How is Sasha, Misha, AJ, Liz, Lizzie, and your mom? Everybody doing great?

    Thank you very, very much Gary, for what you bring to us, around the world. Keep bringing the Thunder!!

    Best wishes,

    Mauricio Fernandes

  • Anonymous

    I?m continuing the WL wine SHIPMENTS TO BRAZIL CAMPAIGN!!


    Come on SASHA!!!

  • Anonymous

    Hey Gary, just started watching on a constant basis and decided to jump in on the comments. First, never had a NZ Pinot Nior before, but will soon. Second, just started grad school in Taiwan for translation and am now horribly busy.
    Anyway, good to see you back in the saddle of thunder–Thors saddle, Zeus’ throne, whatever cool reference fits.

  • Anonymous

    Hey GV. Long time, no see. Seems to me that you should be spitting into a Patriots helmet… But then, maybe that’s what you’d call a bedpan…


    QOTD: Been drinking some awesome reislings to ring out the summer and ready to switch over to reds and ports now that there’s a chill to the air. Kids are doing great. Got a new siberian kitten we’re naming “Kiska”. Seems like a name you might recognize. 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Great to have the show back.

    Funny you say about NZ pinot noir being a bit under the radar, because I always think of it as being very popular (at least in Australia and the UK it is). The Martinborough region of NZ is best for me, yet it rarely gets talked about.

    I’ve had the Gunn Estate sauvignon blanc, which was great value for money, but will keep a look out for the pinot (weirdly their website doesn’t show a black label pinot).

    QOTD – favourite is the 2005 Voss pinot noir from Martinborough

  • I always thought Mot was a young guy (sorry, Mot).

  • Gary, great show! I drink Kim Crawford Pinot Noir, of which I’m a big fan (although I do think it’s lighter than most).

  • Anonymous

    Welcome back, G. Nice content tonight. I haven’t dabbled too much w/NZPN. Soooo many Cali. & Oregon ones to dig into.

  • Anonymous

    Very good show, indeed.

  • vinobraina

    G! We have missed you! My Mom and I are recent additions to the vaynernation and we are hooked! The last few weeks we’ve been actively trying as many new wines as possible and working hard to train our palates. My big moment this week, I finally got a sheep butt!!! We would always chuckle when you used that descriptor and wonder if it could really be accurate. But holy crap, it was STINKY, and for sure no other adjective would fit. Awesome!

    Anyway, when trying to evaluate the nose of many wines, we often find the “alcohol” smell overpowering and we have a hard time finding the real nose underneath. This is with many wines at all price points and ones that don’t have overwhelming alcohol on the palate. Is this a rookie thing? Any pointers on getting past that?

    Thank you SO MUCH for doing the show! Keep em’ coming!

    AK and Mom

  • Anonymous

    I’m on a flight back to San Francisco from Miami. Lots of chatter on the radio this weekend about how the Dolphins were going to win. One assistant at 105.9 FM bet his job that the Dolphins would beat your team. Needless to say, he didn’t go into work on Monday.
    The Journey of Jordan: a wine and food video blog

  • QOTD: Just back from a two week vine trip to France. Visited St Emillion, Pauillac in Bordeaux. Some places in Languedoc and Chateauneuf du Pape and Tain L’Hermitage in the Rhone valley. Very nice all of it and lots of tasting.

  • Welcome back, Gary,

  • Anonymous

    Kudos to your Jets. In week 1, I thought Sanchez looked awful, but has he ever turned it around. You guys are going to be a tough out. QOTD: 2006 Kim Crawford (Small Parcel) Rise and Shine Vineyard, Central Otago. It was tremendous two years ago, but more recently the fruit has begun to fade a bit. Do you find that NZ Pinot in general to be a “drink now” wine?

  • Great to have you back Gary!

    I’ve been busy as, working on http://intwines.wordpress.com/plus I visited the Clare Valley on the weekend, tasting many great 2010 Rieslings and stellar 2008 Reds.

    QOTD: Murdoch James is my favourite NZ Pinot producer at the moment. From Martinborough, their 2008 Pinots are delicious.

  • Allan

    ….”And on the seventh day………
    he did………………………………..
    wait for it……………………………
    yet another show……………. 😛

  • Anonymous

    I am glad that everyone is ok and feeling better. It is great to have you back.
    My Chicago Bears beat Green Bay last night, Yeah Baby! Bears 3-0! Who’da thunk it?
    I LOVE ME MY PINOTS! I had the Oyster Bay 2009 Saturday night and loved it. Screw Tops, WOW! Very Good show always love the brown bag.

  • Globex

    just finished a very busy morning at the trading desk and had time to squeeze in yday’s show. The family cheered for our local SoCal boy as he led the Jets to an exciting victory. My Bears squeeked out a lucky win last night (born in ChiTown) which made for a fun night of football… followed by getting caught up on the Entourage finale & Boardwalk Empire.

    QOTD1: Can’t remember last time had wine from NZ, obviously time to change that starting with that 08 Gunn.
    QOTD2: Been out of the country all of Sept, just got back in the saddle myself yday. Our 14 month old princess is running all over now, time to head to HomeDepot to “child-proof” the house!!

  • Anonymous

    About to make my first wine this winter and have been having a blast planting vineyards in Maine. Looking forward to taking the first baby steps of building a wine culture here.

  • I love wines from Kim Crawford. Had a great Watershed Pinot Noir that was very similar to a Russian River pinot. Delicous.

  • Anonymous

    Love NZ Pinot…looking forward to trying the Gunn…great price too!

  • Anonymous

    Castello says hello to him in third person.
    Castello says hello to you in virtual person.

  • Anonymous

    Nope, nobody has ever had it.

  • Anonymous

    QOTD 1: I have never had a NZ Pinot
    QOTD2: I was fired from my job picked up a book by this wacko who says you can make a living off a blog if you work your ahrse off. You may have heard of it “Crush It.” Found a job that makes 3/4 as much as I was making, but allows me the freedom to pursue my dream. You are going to have me on as a guest within a year G.V. It’s still in it’s infancy for sure. It’s very rough, but it’s there. http://www.mykitchenandyou.com it’s a blog about food, love and life. My hook is “Taking fear out of the kitchen and putting you in it.” I’m not the best cook in the world. What I am is a killer teacher. Thanx for the inspiration G.V. I’m not going to dissapoint you.

  • Anonymous

    Welcome back, Gary! Great show. Glad to hear that all is well and you’re back bringing the thunder.

    QOTD1: Sadly I’ve never had a New Zealand Pinot. I’ll definitely make it a point to have one before the year is up. Perhaps the Gunn if I can get a hold of one.

    QOTD2: Aside from watching my Redskins stink up the joint, last week I flew into eastern PA for a wedding. Before flying out decided to make an impromptu roadtrip over to New Jersey for my first visit to Wine Library. The store definitely lives up to the hype. I grabbed a few nice bottles and then raced back to catch my flight. I was most impressed by the customer service and the store’s awesome wine cellar.

  • This show made me happy.

    Qotds: Not sure I have had any but will try them soon.

    Qotd: It was my birthday on the 19th, and a lot of my family members this month too. I have been drinking a lot of growers champagne as a result.
    Anaheim Ducks are looking good in pre-season and the UCLA Bruins are doing surprisingly well. West Coast is looking good. Unfortunately, the Chargers are starting poorly this season, despite mr. Rivers great performanc, especially in the last loss to Seattle. It will be a tough season for me to begin following football.

    Oh and HOTTEST DAY on record yesterday for California, too!

  • Gary V,

    I have been lurking, sorry bro. Okay, so QOTD: My favourite pinot from NZ is definitely Craggy Range. I looooove that producer. They also make an epic Syrah and Merlot. I think you’ve done one of their wines on your show.

    ALSO, recap, moved my blog, I got the url set up, WHAT UP! I’m officially the resident of gastronaut.ca I like my new home, it’s pretty plane jane, right now but my friends and I are gonna spruce it up. It should be good. I am refinding my writing style. I want to get all the food and wine peeps back.

    What I have been drinking, well, I’ve been sick, so I’ve been hitting up the Darjeeling. That’s my go to thing when I’m sick. The football has been good, kudos to your JETS. I am still loving those packers, they’re 2-1 and they’re gonna play the lions which should be good for a 3-1 record next week.

    I had this awesome chenin blanc last week when I made muscles, it was from south africa, it was about 13$ and it was amazingly fresh, so good!

    I also have a question, the salted fish, is it cod? There is a ton of it at my grocery store down the street, I want to try some but what do I eat with it or drink with it? Give me the low down Gary V.

  • Anonymous

    Great show!!!

    QOTD: My favorite NZ Pinot was a 2002 Cornish Point Pinot Noir, Drystone, Central Otago. Very Burgundian in style and just fabulous.

    QOTD: Just working, watching Football happy about the Jets and Bears right now (huge wine over Green Bay!) Also just finished our last Rose of the summer on Saturday and it was lovely. Looking forward to the fall, cooler temps and my wine delivery from Wine Library on Friday!!!!

  • philoxera

    Next time the Jets Win arrive on the show wearing a Jet pack.
    ….you know add the thunder!!!!!
    Welcome Back Bozo!

  • Allan

    Now don’t say you can’t swear off drinking; it’s easy. I’ve done it a thousand times….

  • Allan

    Now, can the weather please brew up some new THUNDER CONTENT!



  • LurkerKing


  • Anonymous

    As per usual, love the wine tasting. I’m just slightly confused, I watched this perfectly fine on my iPhone, yet cannot watch your vids on http://garyvaynerchuk.com/ on iPhone because of flash. Surely it’s both Viddler … no?? Sorry not very tech savvy …

  • Like the blind.

  • Anonymous

    Nice! Finally a BB show that actually had some merit. And two steals as well. Very nice. Thanks GV.

    QOTD1: My favorite New Zealand Pinot Noir is still Amisfield from Central Otago. I think GV has given at least one of them a 91 point score. But it is more expensive than any of the wines tasted today so I am intrigued by the Oyster Bay and the Gunn.

    QOTD2: This weekend my wife and I and another couple took a weekend trip to the Finger Lakes area of New York. Yes, we tasted a LOT of wine. Much to my surprise, we found some reds that were quite good. The 2006 Shalestone Pinot Noir was very good as was the 2007 Dr. Konstantin Frank Pinot Noir. Of course, there were many Rieslings and Guwurtztraminers that were quite good as well. The leaves were also changing colors and the weather was cool and delightful. Just a great weekend. As far as football, I am a Browns fan so I am pretty much always sad during football season because my team sucks. I am still hoping that Holmgren and Heckert straighten things out eventually.

  • Anonymous

    Quick update, the Vikings are stinking up the NFC Norths. I’m feeling your pain with having Farve flop and crippling the team. Football for the season would have been killed for me if we did not beat the Lions on Sunday. Jets are playing very well – congrats. Looking forward to Viking vs Jets, just as long as the Vikings actually show up.

    Nice Show G!

  • Anonymous

    QOTD1: 2004 Three Miners Central Otago PN: saw the WLTV review (episode 58). Got a bottle from the last Cinderella Wine Sale and drank it with my wife and dad. It was delicious. I just wish that I could find more. I though I had 4 bottles locked up from a store in Manhattan only to find out they only had 1 bottle left. Bummer.

    QOTD2: In other news, went to Great American Beer Festival two weeks ago – amazing – so many beers, so little time. Working, brewing beer, drinking wine, enjoying outdoor firepit, and depressed that Fins didn’t beat the Jets

  • Anonymous

    Spent two weeks in Beynac France…


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