EP 921 Blind New Zealand Pinot Noir Tasting

Gary Vaynerchuk is back with the brown bags and puts 3 different New Zealand Pinots to the test!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2009 Oyster Bay Pinot NoirNew Zealand Pinot Noir
2006 Delta Hatter’s Hill Pinot NoirNew Zealand Pinot Noir
2008 Gunn Estate Pinot Noir New Zealand Pinot Noir

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Tags: New Zealand, Pinot Noir, red, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • Cubatobaco (Ray)

    Anyone and everyone is welcome!

  • Anonymous

    I just wanna ride Ray! LOL :o)

  • Here’s the plan. Next time Gary has a guest. In your disgust, throw the sparkling and whites out the window. I’ll pick them up after dark.

  • Anonymous

    Awe! Very cool..TY Dominus! Glad to be back!
    Yes…we’re shooting.. lol 🙂

  • DNA my friend, DNA. 😉 So when am I working on your logo for your root beer company and beverage?

  • Anonymous

    We are aware that you wear many hats so be sure fans are fine with shows at the “liquid” schedule. You hit the spot with me with this one – I love blind tasting, NZ wines and 3 (or more) wines in comparison…

    SQOTD: Spy Valley Pinot, discovered during the dinner in Spy Museum in DC few years back… Local stores carried it for a while. Not now. Not WL. And I have had two out of these three too! (Though different vintages, both from your store). Oyster I liked a lot. Gunn – not so much.

    Football question from soccer/basketball/biking fan alien to this sport: Why (in general) don’t they play attack all game long like Dolphins in last two minutes (be it that they didn’t score)? I don’t think Jets “let them”, I don’t think there was some magic inspiration… Where are General Custers of American Football?

    PS Thanks for introducing me to Albarino few years ago. It is one of those “other” wines I’d not bother trying. It turns out I have yet to find one I don’t like. And they are incredible value to boot… Top of my wine list.

  • Patience is still a virtue. It was a tough couple of weeks, but hey, life happens. Thanks for coming back so strong.

    I’m working on some new ventures in fund raising and film making. Not drinking much wine, but had a great beer (312 Wheat Ale) the other night with some Tex-Mex. Very good.

  • Anonymous

    Melba! I sound like MadMax! LOL
    Im learning..but yes…rides! 😉

  • Anonymous

    Actually have only had a couple of NZ Pinots, but none of them have thrilled me.

    Main QOTD: I just started my new harvest job and kind of already got offered a promotion and full time position for after harvest if things work out well. Pretty stoked to be making some varietals other than the Pinots.

    My boss actually makes a pretty decent Roussanne that I’m extremely excited about. I just had his Grenache the other day from Southern Oregon, and while it was slightly too new world for me, the fruit and pepper could’ve fooled me for Southern Rhone.

    So all and all, things are going great and I’m really excited for this harvest. Great to see you back by the way!! I need something to watch when I get home haha. I never doubted you though, I knew you wouldn’t stay away from us unless it was a good reason. Hope everything is all well now!!

  • Anonymous

    I have been in Florida for the past two weeks for my grandson Johnny’s (you were kind enough to mention his birth on WLTV) 2nd birthday and, yeah, time does go that fast 🙂

    I have also regretfully been watching the 49er’s get off to a totally unimpressive 0 and 3 start. Ouch!

    The SF Giants are a pleasant story though so maybe things get evened out. Since I had a life for 2 1/2 weeks you picked an excellent time to be gone. Thanks for coordinating!

  • Anonymous

    Nice show, and great to have you back tasting. By coincidence, I am having a Pinot from your store tonight as well. The Gunn estate sounds like my style.

  • DaveAll

    (saying this with a wise, knowing nod) ah. Pinot.

    I got nothing, should put it on my October to do list to drink some Pinot in 2010. Maybe some verticals or region compares. I was nicely surprised you had a couple under $15! wow.
    good show.

  • Anonymous

    Hey Gary: QOTD – I’ve only had a couple. I really liked the Craggy Range Pinot, which I had about a year ago in Boston. Definitely want to try the Gunn Estate now.

    As for other updates, I just tried the Nidoleres La Raphaelle Cote du Roussillon that you raved about in back in July. It was absolutely amazing. I had all of my friends taste it blind, and they were all blown away. They were even more shocked when they saw that it was a 20 dollar bottle. I’m probably gonna hunt down a case of it so I always have some around. Thanks for that one, and keep the great steals coming!!

  • A dumb Rhein king

    Welcome back Mr. V!

    SQOTD: Unknown.

    QOTD: My wife and I just picked some cold climate grapes at a local vineyard for a few enological experiments. Unfortunately, due to bad vineyard conditions and a half crop as a result of a late frost this spring, I don’t know how well the tests will go. I had to abandon about half of them.

  • So sorry I missed you in the store today. Had some family stuff going on. Sounded like you had some fun though 🙂

  • Minnesota!? What’s bringing out to our neck of the woods? Coming down to Iowa?

    QOTD: My wife has been finishing her dissertation and therefore I’ve been helping. Almost there!

    Great show. Thanks for reminding me to look at the new zealand pinot. I always keep my eyes open for the Hammond Pinot Noir you raved about quite a few episodes ago. Both because I love a good Pinot and my last name is Hammond. 😉


  • TheSmirkingLurker


    My love… you’re back… but… will you be here to hold me in the morning?


  • Just watching my Steelers win with our 4th string QB. See you Dec. 19th at Heinz Field.

  • A dumb Rhein king

    Oh yeah, I watched the entire Cosmos series by Carl Sagan on Hulu the past couple of weeks. Interesting stuff.

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: I haven’t had many, but I liked Staete Landt from Malborough. I’ve been drinking a lot of Nebiolo wines … thanks for that tip.

  • Welcome back to New Media Gary! Hope your family is well.

    QOTD: Have to say Sherwood Pinot surprised me. Not quite my style but nice complexity and couldn’t seem to stop drinking it which says a lot!

    QOTD2: Been a brutal summer work wise but family is well so who can complain?!?

  • John__J

    Let me know if you come back. We still personalize the menu’s and do those wine and cheese tastings among other things. I’m going to be changing up the wine list so if you ever come up we’ll have to go down to the cellar.

  • QOTD; Fishing, some work, drinking good beer.

  • John__J

    No this one’s on Rt. 40 by Ellicott City. I think I know the place you’re talking about though

  • The challenger. Direct from out of the wasteland. She’s bad. She’s beautiful. She’s crazy. It’s…Rand!

    3 Wines enter! 1 Wine leaves! 3 Wines enter! 1 Wine leaves!

  • Anonymous

    Good to have you back my friend! The pinot that made me fall in love with the varietal was Spy Valley pinot noir 2005 vintage. Wow i finally knew what people were talking about after craking the bottle…the nose blew me away, and it tasted like burnt sugar, creme brulee like. I totally loved it and after wards embarked on a pinot mission. Although i have had many pinots from around the globe…including from Niagara Canada (which are amazing), i think i will always have a soft spot for NZ pinot…it’s all so good and reliable…as this show has clearly pointed out.

  • Anonymous

    Seems to me you should be spitting into a Patriots helmet… Or maybe that’s the one you use as a bedpan…

    QOTD:Been drinking some killer reisling to ring out the summer. Deb wants to know… Since she lost out on the $100 gift card when you were here, if I were to spend $100 on a single bottle at WL for her birthday, what would you recommend? No limits. Surprise us.

  • Welcome BACK!!!! and with an AWESOME Pinot Brown-Bagger!!!! Keep’em coming…

    QOTD: Roasted today in SurfCity… 103 DEGREES!!! I thought Summer ended last week? Been drinking a lot of Pinot lately… some Sea Smoke, Siduri… will look for these… Ciao…

  • Anonymous

    LOL Youre a nut! Yeah, you could be my sidekick..bad, beautiful, crazy… I think youve got that too girl! LOL

  • passion4wine

    The only Pinot from NZ I have had is the Kim Crawford and it was fine… I usually pick up Pinot from Oregon or France and have become stubborn about branching out.

    I don’t like football Gary, but respect that it is your show and you are passionate about it. Tennis is over, that is my sport of choice, skiing soon to start up soon.

    I just started working at a small community television station last week-learning all about video and editing. We do a live show that is really fun..the live aspect of it being the most fun since there are always hiccups which turn out to be quite funny. We don’t take ourselves to seriously..we like to say that we put the IR back in relevant news. I was toying with doing a live wine segment myself but I am not so snappy in front of the camera..I have brain freeze issues.
    I really enjoy watching and listening to you in all your ventures..

  • Thnx Josh 🙂

  • Had to come back, can’t have u calling me out!

  • they look unreal!

  • Lurker:
    Good to see you back, those Jets are looking strong !!!

  • Anonymous

    Attended a New Zealand wine tasting in Toronto in the spring. The stand out for me was the Ostler Caroline’s Pinot Noir. Lovely wine – actually stole the show for me. Subsequently had a bottle at home always a good double check – still showing well – lovely fruit – not stink-i-fied, light but delicious.

  • Just had to keep you honest 😉

    Keep up the HUSTLE!!!

  • Anonymous

    I have several NZ PNs in the cellar but haven’t tried one yet- it would have been fun to see the Three Miners you were hot on back in episode 100-something that had been on Cindy sneak in here.

    QOTD: Finally pretty much fully in the swing of things with my new job, just bummed right now that the Packers just lost the game to the Bears just because they tied their all time highest number of penalties. It’s ok, though, I still think they’re going to take the NFC North. I’ve been drinking a lot of Southern Rhone recently.

  • Anonymous

    Hey Gary. Great to see you back! I’m glad to hear that all is well with your family.

    QOTD: I’ve been hitting up the school with a ton of studying and homework. Also volunteering in the ICU at a hospital to help me get into a masters medical program.

  • Tnx Jay 🙂

  • place 😉

  • thnx JJ

  • thnx Sean!

  • thanks Super!

  • thnx Doc

  • 2 wins 🙂

  • Tnx Neil!

  • Anonymous

    Great to see you back and look foward to to more shoes.

    QOTD; Don’t think I have had a New Zealand Pinot. Not a huge fan of pinot.

  • Gary, good to see you back. I live in NZ and my wife and I love the Peregrine central Otago that retails here for about $US 25. It consistantly outscores more expensive wines in the local wine press. Also Dry River from Martinborough although rare and about $US 55.
    We’re going into spring here so will get some lamb chps on the BBQ and have some pinot noirs.
    Also had some Jamet Cote Rotie 2004 but not as good as Yannick Amirault Cabernet Franc 2006. Vegetable city but great!
    Ps I don’t know the 1st thing about Gridiron, but, speaking as a doctor, i think its very sensible those guys wear helmets, my god the hits they take are massive!

  • Anonymous

    Classic episode GV. Thank you! I remember way back when you tasted Three Miners from New Zealand for the first time.

    I’ve been working my arse off. Recently won a big promotion at work, so I’ve been adjusting to that. My peers are 15+ years older than me, and I supervise plenty of people older than me. It’s been an experience so far, but I am very grateful.

    Tonight I’m venturing into the world of white Burgundy, a first for me. Drinking the 2006 Macon Bussieres, Vieilles Vignes du Clos, Verget. Great QPR for only $15.

    I’ve been entranced by Barolo lately, and looking to find a few bottles to put away in the cellar.

    As for my cellar, I am mainly looking to past vintages of Bordeaux. I am absolutely horrified by the 09 pricing. I bought 2 cases (a 6-pack each of Montrose, Leoville Poyferre, Malescot St. Exupery, & Pontet Canet) on first tranche, but that’s it. 08, 05 (which I went all in on), 04 and earlier are still much more appealing. $300 for 09 Cos d’Estournel & LLC, $240 for Ducru, etc. Insanity!

    Hope everyone is feeling better in the family.

    John D.

  • Anonymous

    Hey Gary,
    First time ever commenting! Found the Thunder Show on hulu a bit ago and the more I watch the more I love what you’re doing! Anyway, I am 21, learning what I like, and taking a wine course at my college and have Really enjoyed diving into the world. You have another fan!

    I haven’t had a NZ Pinot yet, just the Sauv Blanc.


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