EP 1000 Episode 1,000

Gary Vaynerchuk has finally made it to episode 1,000 of Wine Library TV! It’s been an amazing ride since that day in February 2006, with great guests, amazing (and sometimes awful) wines, as well as a lot of Jets talk. Today, the main focus is a huge thank you to all the Vayniacs who helped make this community…and a huge announcement from Gary.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 Jerome Prevost La Closerie Les Beguines BrutFrench Brut Vintage

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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Tags: Champagne, review, sparkling, Video, wine, wines

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  • Actually, I have a nice leather couch though its terra cotta color and not black. I may do it. What should I “taste test” for the holidays?

  • wltv

    Hello Dom! All is well with me and I hope all is well with you. Came through Sandy unscathed. In fact I was the only person I know that came through without losing power. Still holding that Tokay, maybe I’ll bust it out with the Mrs on X-Mas.

  • East coast and West coast wines one white and one red of each. Do a friday battle πŸ™‚ If you do an episode I promise to do one too πŸ™‚

  • Glad to hear you went unscathed. I was worrying about you guys, The lights flickered here in MD but that was it.

    Let me know if the Tokay is sublime. I expect nothing less.

    Cheers my friend and go G-Men.

  • OK if you promise, I will do it. Life is too short. East/West throwdown sounds like a great idea.

    I will let everyone know when it’s done. I will have it done before Xmas Eve.

  • Promise, and will post on friday the 28th. Any suggestions for me about topic? some sort of blind of course. My couch is not a leather one, but I think I can pull a nice one of anyway πŸ™‚

  • Good question. Blind, yes, with brown paper bags of course. Are your choices limited and what I mean by limited is are they readily available in the U.S.?

    A Champagne blind tasting is always a hit during the holidays or maybe something like gluhwein? Or even Icewine/Eiswein? Now that would be cool, literally. πŸ˜‰

  • Eiswine huh! That will be a stress on my wallet. I cant find anyone below 30 dollars. A couple of small bottles of bubbly might do the trisk. I shall check and then see if they also are avaialble in the US. Gluhwiens we have in aboundance in this wineter wonderland, with flavours from just red wine to chocolate and back to whiskey. In Karlstad I can get hold of 50 different, Man do we drink a lot of alcohol during Christmas or what ? πŸ˜€

  • jeffisrad

    Natural Wine. Discuss…

  • There have never been a natural wine πŸ™‚

  • jeffisrad

    What about birds getting drunk off of fermenting berries? That’s pretty natural, right?

  • Yep, that’s true, but humans taking already rotten and fermented grapes from the vine would not make a wine, it would make stomach cramps. Since man begun cultivating vines we have manipulated the process to create fermantation from sugary juice to alcohol. Sure natural yest on the grape skin makes a long way, but then we have manipulatdet wine to be something we like. FI, Greeks boild it and added spices. ect

  • After yesterday’s performance, the G-Men may not make the playoffs.

  • wltv

    That was a pitiful display Dom.

  • Amen πŸ™

  • OMG!!! I had to come back to tell my fellow Vayniacs about a
    magnificent Chablis that I was turned onto this afternoon. It is
    absolutely delicious. Wow. I would love to see GV carry this or better
    yet, do a “sniffy sniff” and a “whirl” of this wine to give me his
    unadulterated opinion. If you can find it, by all means, buy it and if
    you don’t like it, I will reimburse you. It’s that good.


    I just bought a six-pack on pre-arrival for 25 bones per but unfortunately I
    paid alot more for it at my brick and mortar wine shop. I guess I would
    have never come across this magnificent find if I had not been there.
    Oh well.

    It looks like the Colts, Broncos and our hometown Skins will make the playoffs. It ain’t over til the Fat Lady sings.


    P.S. This recommendation posted on DG too.

  • I concur what he ^^^ says. πŸ˜‰

  • the link lead to a dead end Wich one is it? I can find 5 different from Domaiane Louis Michel in my country.

  • Lisa S

    I think it’s this one: https://www.klwines.com/detail.asp?sku=1118437
    2010 Domaine Louis Michel Chablis “MontΓ©e de Tonnerre” 1er Cru
    Let us know if this is it, Dom. Must buy some after that great review! Merry Christmas everyone!

  • tony

    love your style..

  • Happy Holdays all friends and you peeps at the Winelibrary.

  • wltv

    Same to you and everyone that’s still here!


  • Yes, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to All!

    Cheers my friends πŸ™‚

  • Latest Find: 2009 Sawtooth (Utah, yes Utah) Tempranillo

  • johnfarrin

    Happy Holidays to you my friend! Thanks for the b-day wishes last month. I congratulate you and Dominus for your perseverence. That alone may force Gary to return to WLTV in some form or another. We should probably organize a reunion posting on March 14, 2013 marking the 2nd Anniversary of the final episode. People could vote for their favorite episode. It would be an interesting social media experiment to see how many old Vayniacs we could scare up.

  • Good idea John. Let’s see how many we can find all along the social media plattforms πŸ™‚ Have a great new year. I prepared to post a bubbles episode anyday when Dom have posted his…

  • Sounds like a great idea to me. I have about a half dozen “favorites” so choosing one would be quite the challenge. It would at least force me to revisit some great shows.

    Looking outside with the snow falling, I remember the time GV took his show outside in a snow blizzard at The Lib. Absolutely hilarious. It may be one of those on the right.

  • I need to get with it. I have yet to decide on which wines to review. I have a bottle of the Tempranillo from Idaho but would rather review wines that are readily available. Hmmmmmm

  • Yep, the 182 —>
    Me, I’m torn between three of the guest episodes. It’s hard to pick a favourite.

  • New years winelist and menu done friends.
    Palmer&Co Millisieme 2006 to the lobster au gratin
    Chateau Pichon-Loungeville Comtesse de Lalande 1999 and Chateau Musar 1996 to the deer steak with baked potatos and chanterelle sauce

    De Bortoli Black Noble to the chocolate tarte with raspberrys sorbΓ©

    Marquees de Haux Cremant de Bordeuax 2009 to the midnight bang

    Happy New Year everone and may 2013 bring good wine your way.

  • NWIndianaDan

    Happy New Year Everyone! May you all have a prosperous and winetastic 2013! Will be hitting a few of the wineries in southwest Michigan again. Seems to be a New Year ritual with a nice dinner then to the Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo, MI. I will be thinking of each and everyone of you, from our friends in Maryland, Sweden, Virginia, California, New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, and Canada and if I left any out please forgive me, it has been awhile. I wish I was enjoying a nice bottle of wine with each and everyone of you!

    Nostrovia! πŸ˜‰

  • johnfarrin

    I would wish you a Happy New Year if I hadn’t passed out midway through the chocolate tart with raspberry sorbet πŸ˜‰ Have a great 2013 and we’ll shoot off a special mortar for yoyu this evening!

  • Lisa S

    Thanks, Dan! Sounds like a great way to kick off the New Year!

  • Lisa S

    Happy New Year!

    Wishing all my friends: Anders, John F, NWDan, Dominus, Mott, a healthy and happy 2013! Cheers!

  • All the best to you too Lisa

  • I wish you a good year too Dan, and yes I have Bordeaux left bank waiting for you.

  • Thank you John, Hope everything is good with the family and that you had a great party.

  • johnfarrin

    You might be impressed to know that the mortar that we shot off in your honor caused Honduras to surrender πŸ˜‰

  • Ah!
    Finally I can get nice cacao beans for less then a boom πŸ™‚

  • So how does the new year treat everyone so far?

  • Yes, a most Happy New Year to you my dear.

    Go 49ers! πŸ˜‰

  • Agree, some of the guests were great and I remember one was so laughable (the young silver spoon gal from Buehler) that it makes me chuckle every time I think about it.

    I really liked Randall Grahm of Bonny Doon fame.

  • Geez, I can’t believe I did that. I usually recheck a link I send but anyway, sorry for the inconvenience though the one here that Lisa ^^^ describes is a great bottle and better than the one I tried but this is the one below. Same producer but different vineyard I’m guessing. It’s the “Butteaux.” Easy for me to remember. This is not your normal “sheep’s butt.” Great stuff.


  • So today my wonderful woman made horseradish meat. Its slow boiled beef served with a rich horseradish based sauce and boiled potatos, carrotsa and swede. I had the easy task to pair a wine. I took a Bourgogne, Nuits-St-Georges 1er Cru Les Damodes 2007. I think it was a very expensive wine but I’d forgot that.

    The food was great. The wine very great πŸ™‚

    A smell to really just sit and sniffy sniff at whole hight. Layers of strawberry, herbs, spices , dirt, stable, licorice, molten leaves, mushroom all wirling around changeing place.
    On the palate silky smooth with tiny hint of syrupy body, yet light. A dusky strawberry/raspberry fruit jam mixed with all kinds of different herbs. Mid on small intense tannins with a great peppery heat coats the middle of the tounge and the upper valve of your mouth. Back end finish of lush with the fruit and herbs again. A slight dryness and a earthy and mushy tone ends it. A really nice wine.


    So were are you all at.?

  • Ohmigosh! Way to go my man! Going to watch it now!


  • I thought it was your creation Anders. πŸ™

    I will watch it soon since it’s our wine guru but for some reason my connection is pokey slow down here in the Caymans so it is taking forever to load. I’m sure it will be worth the wait.

    Go Niners!

  • I’m baaaack. Checking everything and glad to see at least two of us are still alive. πŸ˜‰

    C’mon people! I need some wine reviews and experiences?

    I’m sipping on a Tommasi Pinot Grigio right now before heading off to this venue.


  • Caymans!?!? Well my next epiose wont come until you done yours πŸ™‚


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