EP 427 A Chateauneuf Du Pape Tasting. Wines from the Southern Rhone

Chat Du Pape wines rock and Gary Vaynerchuk puts a few of them through the thunder chamber. PS: Gary feels this is one of his best shows of all time!…..Seriously!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2005 Pere Caboche Chat Du Pape Elisabeth Chambellan VvChateauneuf du Pape Rouge
2005 Pere Caboche Mirande Chateauneuf Du PapeChateauneuf du Pape Rouge
2005 Domaine Chante Perdrix Du PapeChateauneuf du Pape Rouge
2005 Torbreck Steading RedAustralian Red Meritage

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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Mike Speer

Boom Shocka Locka!!!!! NBA Jams? Old school Nes, you know whats up! He’s Heating Up!!! Great show btw, this is like the exact opposite to the one episode where you were all down about not getting enough comments and were DEpressed the entire show and didnt snap out. QOTD – Im not sure yet, weekend is 3 days away and who knows what mood ill be in or what new varietal ill come across when I walk in the wine shop! Lata!

Tags: Chateauneuf du Pape Rouge, red, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • C

    dude. leave parker behind. he DID NOT put Chat du pape on the page. He came LATE to the game. Way late. please get with it. parker’s fine. he is not the last word and if you think so you lose.

  • C

    dude. leave parker behind. he DID NOT put Chat du pape on the page. He came LATE to the game. Way late. please get with it. parker’s fine. he is not the last word and if you think so you lose.

  • pierazzo

    i just searched some infos about chateneufs, of course I knew where to search..here. I just didn’t realize what kind of service is to have at your disposal online all the past episodes, so many wines at the tip of your fingers…….we love u, even in Italy, Gary.

  • i just searched some infos about chateneufs, of course I knew where to search..here. I just didn’t realize what kind of service is to have at your disposal online all the past episodes, so many wines at the tip of your fingers…….we love u, even in Italy, Gary.

  • Dessert Wine Nerd

    Great show on the du-pape’s. You keep talking about them and here I am doing nothing. Doesnt look like Im doing too god a job of listening….. 🙁 QOTD: Im not sure if I will be drinking any wine this weekend. Depends on my mood and whats for dinner. Def. something next week when I make some veal saltimbocca.

  • Dessert Wine Nerd

    Great show on the du-pape’s. You keep talking about them and here I am doing nothing. Doesnt look like Im doing too god a job of listening….. 🙁 QOTD: Im not sure if I will be drinking any wine this weekend. Depends on my mood and whats for dinner. Def. something next week when I make some veal saltimbocca.

  • Beverly

    Great show! I’ve tried so many more wines since I started listening…thanks for the info! Have a great week!

  • Beverly

    Great show! I’ve tried so many more wines since I started listening…thanks for the info! Have a great week!

  • Tooch

    still my favorite episode….when are we getting a 2007 CdP episode? I’ve placed all my futures orders, interested to hear what your thoughts are on them.

  • Tooch

    still my favorite episode….when are we getting a 2007 CdP episode? I’ve placed all my futures orders, interested to hear what your thoughts are on them.

  • qotd: I just had a 2005 Bordeax, I havn’t thought that far ahead but I am going to pick up case and of half of mixed wines so we shallsee

  • qotd: I just had a 2005 Bordeax, I havn’t thought that far ahead but I am going to pick up case and of half of mixed wines so we shallsee

  • richardvinifera

    QOTD: Two of my wines that I want to try asap are Charles Joguet ‘Les Petites Roches’ Chinon (100% Cab Franc), which I understand is made in the Beaujolais method (I haven’t liked any Gamay to date, so hopefully a different flavour profile from the Cab Franc!). Also I want to pop the Marques De Murrieta 1998 Rioja Blanco Gran Reserva (100% Viura) bought for £11 ($14-18?), it’ll be the most aged white i’ve had, and pretty inexpensive for a wine that old!…

  • richardvinifera

    QOTD: Two of my wines that I want to try asap are Charles Joguet ‘Les Petites Roches’ Chinon (100% Cab Franc), which I understand is made in the Beaujolais method (I haven’t liked any Gamay to date, so hopefully a different flavour profile from the Cab Franc!). Also I want to pop the Marques De Murrieta 1998 Rioja Blanco Gran Reserva (100% Viura) bought for £11 ($14-18?), it’ll be the most aged white i’ve had, and pretty inexpensive for a wine that old!…

  • Paul C

    Gareth, a great show – good to see a high level of enthusiasm for the Chateauneuf du Pape. Moreover I like your criticism which is quite balanced and close to my own tastes.

    A show with some Beaucastel and Vieux Télégraph would be good.

    All the best

    Paul C.

  • Paul C

    Gareth, a great show – good to see a high level of enthusiasm for the Chateauneuf du Pape. Moreover I like your criticism which is quite balanced and close to my own tastes.

    A show with some Beaucastel and Vieux Télégraph would be good.

    All the best

    Paul C.

  • Weston3220

    qotd: Well Since its SuperBowl 2010 Colts vs Saint Ill be drinking with Brother, Dad etc
    Cremant Limoux [um because you need a sparkling always!]
    A Pouilly Fuisse [because the last Burg with some Oak I brought for dinner my brothers wife loved!]
    A Cheapie Spanish [Because it should go with lamb and it was on sale!]
    Pesquie 2007 [well because Its Pesquie and when you meet a winemaker you almost have to buy his wine when he is that awesome
    A Moelleux from Loire a Chenin [for me mostly hah!]

  • corkscrew

    Have had the Torbreack and just started drinking CDP's (have had the Chambellan)this last yr with the prices coming down on them. QOTD-Starting with a Riesling, then Sarah's Vineyard Syrah..then some Pinot's http://www.winelx.com

  • John__J

    qotd: Black Ankle’s Leaf Stone Syrah

  • Boom Shocka Locka!!!!! NBA Jams? Old school Nes, you know whats up! He’s Heating Up!!! Great show btw, this is like the exact opposite to the one episode where you were all down about not getting enough comments and were DEpressed the entire show and didnt snap out. QOTD – Im not sure yet, weekend is 3 days away and who knows what mood ill be in or what new varietal ill come across when I walk in the wine shop! Lata!


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