EP 367 Box Wine Tasting

Can box wine be good? That is a question that maybe taking a very interesting spin in a new direction, as more and more under 25 year old wine drinkers enter the wine market wineries are thinking of new ways to brand to that demo and today Gary Vaynerchuk tastes some of the newer efforts in the market.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2006 Bandit Pinot Grigio
2006 Bota Box Chadonnay

2004 Cuvee de Pena
2005 Thirsty Lizard Shiraz

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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I'm open to wines in a box, although I feel dubious about them and have never bought one and don't have any plans to. I'm definitely not into wines in a can however, I know Coppola's even doing one of those. I tasted a cuvee de pena rose in a bottle, it wasn't awful for the $2 or 3.99 it cost wholesale.

Tags: Box, chardonnay, pinot grigio, red, review, shiraz, Video, white, wine, wines

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  • Greg

    Great episode!

    Best: A Kobe Steak at Bobby Flays with signature rub, amazingggg

    Worse: A place in italy, It was the poorest cut T-bone i have ever seen. It was all fat and i complained cause i didnt even eat it. It was still on the bill at the end!

  • Greg

    Great episode!

    Best: A Kobe Steak at Bobby Flays with signature rub, amazingggg

    Worse: A place in italy, It was the poorest cut T-bone i have ever seen. It was all fat and i complained cause i didnt even eat it. It was still on the bill at the end!

  • I’ve been waiting for this episode for a long time! Being a CKC I’m glad you got to review some of these wines to show people that they, as we all know aren’t as good as a 20 dollaer a bottle wine, but given the price and if you look around you can find some wines that are actually on par with a decent bottle of wine.

    Best steak ever: There’s a little mom and pop restaurant in Lowell, MA called the Glennview Pub and Grill that makes a wicked mean steak that’s to die for, and the prices are amazing, which makes me a happy college kid to get a good value.

    Worst steak ever: Bugaboo Creek in Portland, ME. They burned my steak and then when I asked them to maybe get me something a little less black, they said that wasn’t possible, horrible experience!

  • I’ve been waiting for this episode for a long time! Being a CKC I’m glad you got to review some of these wines to show people that they, as we all know aren’t as good as a 20 dollaer a bottle wine, but given the price and if you look around you can find some wines that are actually on par with a decent bottle of wine.

    Best steak ever: There’s a little mom and pop restaurant in Lowell, MA called the Glennview Pub and Grill that makes a wicked mean steak that’s to die for, and the prices are amazing, which makes me a happy college kid to get a good value.

    Worst steak ever: Bugaboo Creek in Portland, ME. They burned my steak and then when I asked them to maybe get me something a little less black, they said that wasn’t possible, horrible experience!

  • Nesto

    Disappointing results – would love to find a 90 pt box wine!

    Best Steak: Manny’s in Minneapolis. Of course, it might have been the 80-something bottle of Heitz.

    Worst Steak: Kobe steak at a fancy Japanese hotel restaurant. Spent $100US and it was horrible.

  • Nesto

    Disappointing results – would love to find a 90 pt box wine!

    Best Steak: Manny’s in Minneapolis. Of course, it might have been the 80-something bottle of Heitz.

    Worst Steak: Kobe steak at a fancy Japanese hotel restaurant. Spent $100US and it was horrible.

  • Beth Girvan

    Just passed the BotaBox in the grocery store the other day and wondered
    if there was any possible way it was even drinkable. Glad to see there’s
    a glimmer of hope with the Bandit.

    Worst steak by far — Ruby Tuesday’s (what was I thinking) top sirloin
    topped with black pepper. Best — Ruth’s Chris filet mignon at a dinner
    with my son on his 21st birthday. Great memory too.

    Love the show. Thanks!

  • Beth Girvan

    Just passed the BotaBox in the grocery store the other day and wondered
    if there was any possible way it was even drinkable. Glad to see there’s
    a glimmer of hope with the Bandit.

    Worst steak by far — Ruby Tuesday’s (what was I thinking) top sirloin
    topped with black pepper. Best — Ruth’s Chris filet mignon at a dinner
    with my son on his 21st birthday. Great memory too.

    Love the show. Thanks!

  • CP

    I am new to your site and I love it. The box wine makes me laugh! Especially the faces you make while tasting them. Doesn’t make me want to run out and buy one.

  • CP

    I am new to your site and I love it. The box wine makes me laugh! Especially the faces you make while tasting them. Doesn’t make me want to run out and buy one.

  • Would love to order the Christmas pack but no love to Washington State on shipping!

    Big fan of whatâ??s going on in the industry with the resurgence of box wine. Some good quality juice is really starting to show up in those little boxed wonders. I would definitely recommend the Revelry Merlot out of Washington State (http://www.revelryvintners.com/) and French Rabbit (http://www.frenchrabbit.com/). Those are some of the best Iâ??ve had to this point.

    You know what I love about the viewers of Wine Library TV, more people will come out and comment for Garyâ??s bday (1000+) than they do when a $800 bottle of wine (845+) is up for grabs. Thatâ??s quite a dedicated fellowship. Nice work!

    QOTD: Best steak I ever had was just recently up in Whistler at Hyâ??s enjoying good times with my wife and friends. Worst steakâ?¦had to be from the cafeteria at college because everything was bad there. But I was young and dumb and didnâ??t know any better.

  • Would love to order the Christmas pack but no love to Washington State on shipping!

    Big fan of whatâ??s going on in the industry with the resurgence of box wine. Some good quality juice is really starting to show up in those little boxed wonders. I would definitely recommend the Revelry Merlot out of Washington State (http://www.revelryvintners.com/) and French Rabbit (http://www.frenchrabbit.com/). Those are some of the best Iâ??ve had to this point.

    You know what I love about the viewers of Wine Library TV, more people will come out and comment for Garyâ??s bday (1000+) than they do when a $800 bottle of wine (845+) is up for grabs. Thatâ??s quite a dedicated fellowship. Nice work!

    QOTD: Best steak I ever had was just recently up in Whistler at Hyâ??s enjoying good times with my wife and friends. Worst steakâ?¦had to be from the cafeteria at college because everything was bad there. But I was young and dumb and didnâ??t know any better.

  • grape_ape


    Best Steak: Peter Lugers in Brooklyn. Porterhouse, done “Black and Blue” style… I was leary of this style, but man, it made the medium rare version we also had for the table seem tough and overdone by comparison!

    Worst Steak: Tough decision, but based on price paid vs. quality was a NY Strip I had at Angelo Maxie’s in NY. It had tough strip of grizzle and tendon running down the middle that made it tough to cut, let alone chew!

  • grape_ape


    Best Steak: Peter Lugers in Brooklyn. Porterhouse, done “Black and Blue” style… I was leary of this style, but man, it made the medium rare version we also had for the table seem tough and overdone by comparison!

    Worst Steak: Tough decision, but based on price paid vs. quality was a NY Strip I had at Angelo Maxie’s in NY. It had tough strip of grizzle and tendon running down the middle that made it tough to cut, let alone chew!

  • */^_^*

    qotd: best=aged ribeye at red prime in okc
    worst=an inch thick piece of leather at the cafeteria at work…

  • */^_^\*

    qotd: best=aged ribeye at red prime in okc
    worst=an inch thick piece of leather at the cafeteria at work…

  • Best-Peter Luger Steakhouse’s Porterhouse Steak in Brooklyn. Best Prime Rib=House of Prime Rib in SF

    Worst-Sizzler’s nationwide.

  • Best-Peter Luger Steakhouse’s Porterhouse Steak in Brooklyn. Best Prime Rib=House of Prime Rib in SF

    Worst-Sizzler’s nationwide.

  • Dan Mc

    Best steak I’ve had was a bone-in ribeye I cooked in a cast iron skillet with kosher salt and outback’s seasoning. Sorry, I haven’t been to the famous steak places I can’t afford it!

    Worst steak I’ve had was at applebees or something like that, not making that mistake again

  • Dan Mc

    Best steak I’ve had was a bone-in ribeye I cooked in a cast iron skillet with kosher salt and outback’s seasoning. Sorry, I haven’t been to the famous steak places I can’t afford it!

    Worst steak I’ve had was at applebees or something like that, not making that mistake again

  • Ferrari1379

    Best steak was this past November at Delmonicos in Las Vegas. I ordered the Bone-In steak and it was ridiculous. I also had a bite of the Filet and both are now tied for the best steak that I’ve ever had.

    Worst steak ever was probably at a local restuarant here in Northern NJ. Also last month in Nov. Without insulting them by dropping the name, the steak was rubbery, extremely fatty, and overcooked.

  • Ferrari1379

    Best steak was this past November at Delmonicos in Las Vegas. I ordered the Bone-In steak and it was ridiculous. I also had a bite of the Filet and both are now tied for the best steak that I’ve ever had.

    Worst steak ever was probably at a local restuarant here in Northern NJ. Also last month in Nov. Without insulting them by dropping the name, the steak was rubbery, extremely fatty, and overcooked.

  • Great episode! QOTD: Worst Steak: Prime Rib, Holiday Inn (Hotel) Tallahassee, FL. Best steak: Top Sirloin Filet Mignon, Los Gauchos Restaurant, Panama City, Panama.

  • Great episode! QOTD: Worst Steak: Prime Rib, Holiday Inn (Hotel) Tallahassee, FL. Best steak: Top Sirloin Filet Mignon, Los Gauchos Restaurant, Panama City, Panama.

  • QOTD: I could say any steak is a good steak, but that’s just not true. The Best: A bone-in ribeye (cowboy steak) from Dewar’s Meats in Wellesley, MA with a homemade rub and grilled (on a Big Green Egg using hard wood charcoal) medium rare
    Worst – An alleged sirloin (NY Strip) I had at a restaurant. Must’ve been below “select” grade. Chewy, stringy, not cooked right. Terrible. Not sure, but it might not have come from a cow.

  • QOTD: I could say any steak is a good steak, but that’s just not true. The Best: A bone-in ribeye (cowboy steak) from Dewar’s Meats in Wellesley, MA with a homemade rub and grilled (on a Big Green Egg using hard wood charcoal) medium rare
    Worst – An alleged sirloin (NY Strip) I had at a restaurant. Must’ve been below “select” grade. Chewy, stringy, not cooked right. Terrible. Not sure, but it might not have come from a cow.

  • QTOD:

    The worst steak: I had a T-bone steak at Shoney’s once. I didn’t expect much, but somehow they managed to overcook it and get it to the table cold.

    The best steak: I have a friend that can do wonders with steak and an outdoor grill. Much better than restaurant fare.

    Well, Gary, now you know what will bring out the uberlurker. Great show!

  • QTOD:

    The worst steak: I had a T-bone steak at Shoney’s once. I didn’t expect much, but somehow they managed to overcook it and get it to the table cold.

    The best steak: I have a friend that can do wonders with steak and an outdoor grill. Much better than restaurant fare.

    Well, Gary, now you know what will bring out the uberlurker. Great show!

  • John Farrin

    Worst steak: I know I’m going to hell, but my mother’s pan-fried round steak when I was growing up.
    Best steak: The Chateaubriand with Bearnaise that I make for special family dinners.

  • John Farrin

    Worst steak: I know I’m going to hell, but my mother’s pan-fried round steak when I was growing up.
    Best steak: The Chateaubriand with Bearnaise that I make for special family dinners.

  • spaetm

    Worst – Company golf tournament dinner. Way over cooked.
    Best – My mother’s london broil. marinated in soy sauce and honey. mmmmm.

  • spaetm

    Worst – Company golf tournament dinner. Way over cooked.
    Best – My mother’s london broil. marinated in soy sauce and honey. mmmmm.

  • David

    Great show Gary.

    Best Steak: New York Strip at Mastros in L.A. – incredible
    Worst Steak: I don’t usually order steak at a restaurant unless I’m somewhat sure it will be good, but I do remember having a horrible steak at Sizzler many years ago – thin and way overcooked.

  • David

    Great show Gary.

    Best Steak: New York Strip at Mastros in L.A. – incredible
    Worst Steak: I don’t usually order steak at a restaurant unless I’m somewhat sure it will be good, but I do remember having a horrible steak at Sizzler many years ago – thin and way overcooked.

  • Bohi

    Lets see best and worst steak:

    Best: Cooked by my buddy on a bbq. He does things with steak that I’ve never seen duplicated in any resturaunt. I have no idea his process other than that he requires tequilla. For him or the meat no one knows.
    Worst: Charleston’s in Spartanburg, SC the grizzle on that thing still haunts my dreams.

  • Bohi

    Lets see best and worst steak:

    Best: Cooked by my buddy on a bbq. He does things with steak that I’ve never seen duplicated in any resturaunt. I have no idea his process other than that he requires tequilla. For him or the meat no one knows.
    Worst: Charleston’s in Spartanburg, SC the grizzle on that thing still haunts my dreams.

  • grace

    Best: Hitching Post, they have this seasoning called magic dust, and when paired with a Purisma Syrah…truly magical.

    Worst: Well-done bargain supermarket steaks of my youth. Sorry, dad.

  • grace

    Best: Hitching Post, they have this seasoning called magic dust, and when paired with a Purisma Syrah…truly magical.

    Worst: Well-done bargain supermarket steaks of my youth. Sorry, dad.

  • Lyndsay

    Honestly, I am not a red meat fan and have never had a “steak”. My best steak “product” I have ever had would be a Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich from Philadelphia, but that’s about the only thing I have ever tried.

  • Lyndsay

    Honestly, I am not a red meat fan and have never had a “steak”. My best steak “product” I have ever had would be a Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich from Philadelphia, but that’s about the only thing I have ever tried.

  • E-

    Nice show Gary, as usual. OK, enough with the verby verbs already. How about just a sniff for a change? 🙂 Just bustin chops.

    QOTD: Best steak, not sure if this qualifies, but after I got my first deer, my Dad and I cut out the tenderloin, took it in the house and sauteed it in a little butter and olive oil and just a touch of salt and pepper. Ate it right there. Perfect.
    Worst…An old girlfriend had me over for dinner one night and made steak, that was a mistake, but looking back, so was she…ouch.

  • E-

    Nice show Gary, as usual. OK, enough with the verby verbs already. How about just a sniff for a change? 🙂 Just bustin chops.

    QOTD: Best steak, not sure if this qualifies, but after I got my first deer, my Dad and I cut out the tenderloin, took it in the house and sauteed it in a little butter and olive oil and just a touch of salt and pepper. Ate it right there. Perfect.
    Worst…An old girlfriend had me over for dinner one night and made steak, that was a mistake, but looking back, so was she…ouch.

  • Dr. J


    best steak was a rib eye, had at flemmings steak house in boston this past summer with some of my homeboys. had a pinot noir, then a massive cabernet that totally complimented the meal
    worst steak, besides the ones my dad tried to cook (burn) was at the smith and wollensky in las vegas. way overpriced, and did nothing for me. BTW: do not try the house wine that S&W try to sell you, it is swill juice. pick out your own wine….trust your palate not the waiter.

  • Dr. J


    best steak was a rib eye, had at flemmings steak house in boston this past summer with some of my homeboys. had a pinot noir, then a massive cabernet that totally complimented the meal
    worst steak, besides the ones my dad tried to cook (burn) was at the smith and wollensky in las vegas. way overpriced, and did nothing for me. BTW: do not try the house wine that S&W try to sell you, it is swill juice. pick out your own wine….trust your palate not the waiter.

  • QOTD: The best steak ever is kangaroo, especially if cooked on a BBQ with some good mates around.

  • QOTD: The best steak ever is kangaroo, especially if cooked on a BBQ with some good mates around.

  • QOTD: Best steak might be a few years back at Ruth Chris steak house in Woodland Hills, California! Those tasty side dishes didn’t hurt my impression of it, either.. 🙂
    Worst steak…? I remember one from my childhood that – no matter how hard I chewed, it would not disintegrate. And I believe that whole “not until you’ve cleaned your plate” thing was in effect, so it was torture.
    But, generally speaking, since I’ve been in control of my own steak consumption, I’ve enjoyed them!

  • QOTD: Best steak might be a few years back at Ruth Chris steak house in Woodland Hills, California! Those tasty side dishes didn’t hurt my impression of it, either.. 🙂
    Worst steak…? I remember one from my childhood that – no matter how hard I chewed, it would not disintegrate. And I believe that whole “not until you’ve cleaned your plate” thing was in effect, so it was torture.
    But, generally speaking, since I’ve been in control of my own steak consumption, I’ve enjoyed them!

  • Brian Vargo

    My Grandfather had a butcher that he always went to for steaks. He would bring back these thick cut ribeyes and sirloins when we would go over to his house for wednesday night dinner. A quick toss on the grill then a pat of butter and a little salt was all that ever touched them. I cant say that it was very healthy, but a better steak there is none!

  • Brian Vargo

    My Grandfather had a butcher that he always went to for steaks. He would bring back these thick cut ribeyes and sirloins when we would go over to his house for wednesday night dinner. A quick toss on the grill then a pat of butter and a little salt was all that ever touched them. I cant say that it was very healthy, but a better steak there is none!


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