EP 604 Chenin Blanc and Pinot Bianco

Gary Vaynerchuk tries 3 wines from 2 very cool and exciting grape varietals.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 Mulderbosch Chenin BlancSouth African Chenin Blanc
2005 Baumard SavennieresSavenniere
2006 Russiz Superiore Pinot BiancoCollio Goriziano

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Luca Bercelli


line of the day – ‘Whip this fun fact out this weekend and I guarantee you nothing but ladies, cash and riches’

Nice episode with the highlight being a tasting of 23 year old bubble gum

Tags: cabernet, california, chenin blanc, Pinot Bianco, review, Savenniere, South Africa, Video, white, wine, wines

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  • kaybee

    Another comment:
    GV the reason we drink a lot of overpriced crap is because of availability. I have never seen 99% of the wines you tell us about. Shipping is kinda high, so most people depend on what’s local and it ain’t all that good. Hardly ever French or Italian, a few from South Africa, Argentina, maybe 1 or 2 from Spain if you’re lucky. And besides that, the ones I see and try from those regions are crappier than the regular domestic wines if you can believe that. You would think since it’s 2009 that this would not be, but it is. The grocery store is not the place to buy fine wine and the nearest wine store is 100 miles away from where I live.

  • kaybee

    Another comment:
    GV the reason we drink a lot of overpriced crap is because of availability. I have never seen 99% of the wines you tell us about. Shipping is kinda high, so most people depend on what’s local and it ain’t all that good. Hardly ever French or Italian, a few from South Africa, Argentina, maybe 1 or 2 from Spain if you’re lucky. And besides that, the ones I see and try from those regions are crappier than the regular domestic wines if you can believe that. You would think since it’s 2009 that this would not be, but it is. The grocery store is not the place to buy fine wine and the nearest wine store is 100 miles away from where I live.

  • manonthemoon

    Another good one, really like chenin, but I was majorly dissappointed in the Baumard as well when I tasted it last year.

    QOTD: Tough call, but I loved both the Strawberry Big League Chew and the Dr. Pepper centered filled gum growing up.

  • manonthemoon

    Another good one, really like chenin, but I was majorly dissappointed in the Baumard as well when I tasted it last year.

    QOTD: Tough call, but I loved both the Strawberry Big League Chew and the Dr. Pepper centered filled gum growing up.

  • Jay

    omg you crack me up Gary!!! “a liiiittle bit of burnt rubber. like somebody skidded out… YESTERDAY.”

  • Jay

    omg you crack me up Gary!!! “a liiiittle bit of burnt rubber. like somebody skidded out… YESTERDAY.”

  • amgryger

    QOTD: Savennieres has been on my list of wines to try since mid-summer, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Also, I don’t like gum.

  • amgryger

    QOTD: Savennieres has been on my list of wines to try since mid-summer, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Also, I don’t like gum.

  • A dumb Rhine king

    You are so right, I would go down to the mid 20’s for the topps wood grain series, because I know I have a few of those that are probably still at my parents house.

    My wife was looking at me weird while I was watching this with the headphones on, so I had to explain to her the horrible crunching noise and experience you had with the 22 yr old gum.

    S-QOTD: No

    QOTD: Watermelon bubble gum – the rectangle packages, I think it was bubblicious. Actually any flavor of that brand. I remember taking something like four of those things as a kid and stuffing them in my mouth for the intense five minutes of flavor it would produce 🙂

  • A dumb Rhine king

    You are so right, I would go down to the mid 20’s for the topps wood grain series, because I know I have a few of those that are probably still at my parents house.

    My wife was looking at me weird while I was watching this with the headphones on, so I had to explain to her the horrible crunching noise and experience you had with the 22 yr old gum.

    S-QOTD: No

    QOTD: Watermelon bubble gum – the rectangle packages, I think it was bubblicious. Actually any flavor of that brand. I remember taking something like four of those things as a kid and stuffing them in my mouth for the intense five minutes of flavor it would produce 🙂

  • Nice tirade. My parents are exactly that 99%. I’m working on it.

    QOTD 1: No.
    QOTD 2: I like Orbit a lot, but Big League Chew is pretty awesome, even if it doesn’t last very long. It’s the idea.

  • Nice tirade. My parents are exactly that 99%. I’m working on it.

    QOTD 1: No.
    QOTD 2: I like Orbit a lot, but Big League Chew is pretty awesome, even if it doesn’t last very long. It’s the idea.

  • Nath

    I need to try Pinot Bianco. Spearmint Gum

  • Nath

    I need to try Pinot Bianco. Spearmint Gum

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: Bazooka Bubble Gum–several pieces at a time. Juicy Fruit 2nd. Dentyne 3rd. Wrigley’s Spearmint 4th place. I liked the piece of gum in the trading cards, better than the trading cards themselves. Was pissed when sometimes you got a pack of cards without a piece of bubble gum in it.

  • WineWoman

    QOTD: Bazooka Bubble Gum–several pieces at a time. Juicy Fruit 2nd. Dentyne 3rd. Wrigley’s Spearmint 4th place. I liked the piece of gum in the trading cards, better than the trading cards themselves. Was pissed when sometimes you got a pack of cards without a piece of bubble gum in it.

  • benny z

    I was only allowed to chew care free and trident
    no hubba bubba gum or tidal wave
    do you remember this commercial? – must have been right when raiders of the lost ark came out, so funny.

  • benny z

    I was only allowed to chew care free and trident
    no hubba bubba gum or tidal wave
    do you remember this commercial? – must have been right when raiders of the lost ark came out, so funny.

  • Jim Bugera

    Great Show Gary,Dentyne peppermint
    Oh by the way Merry Christmas to you and your Family.

  • Jim Bugera

    Great Show Gary,Dentyne peppermint
    Oh by the way Merry Christmas to you and your Family.

  • Rowland

    qotd, never had that wine varietal. my favorite gum was purple (grape) bubble yum! but i really loved the theme song for fruit stripe gum!

  • Rowland

    qotd, never had that wine varietal. my favorite gum was purple (grape) bubble yum! but i really loved the theme song for fruit stripe gum!

  • Bill

    DaveyDonut said:

    Keep in mind GaryV is a big time balla (Drinking Cristal with dirt??? WHAT!!)? his watch is likely a Cartier.


    Hmm, not a bad guess. Markers, although very difficult to see, look like they could be a Cartier. But is GaryV too earthy for a Cartier? I know, balabusta and all, but it’d be like putting a Rolex on Bruce Springsteen.

    …I may not sleep tonight until I know…

    Bill the Wrist Watch Freak

  • Bill

    DaveyDonut said:

    Keep in mind GaryV is a big time balla (Drinking Cristal with dirt??? WHAT!!)? his watch is likely a Cartier.


    Hmm, not a bad guess. Markers, although very difficult to see, look like they could be a Cartier. But is GaryV too earthy for a Cartier? I know, balabusta and all, but it’d be like putting a Rolex on Bruce Springsteen.

    …I may not sleep tonight until I know…

    Bill the Wrist Watch Freak

  • pawncop

    You made me laugh when you bit the gum. Enjoyed this episode very much. Am a big fan of the Mulderbosch Sauvignon Blanc will try the Chenin Blanc very soon.

    The earlier comment by kaybee rings very true regarding availability as I have tried to locate some wines featured and they are just not available.

    Good information and fun time, thank you sir.

  • pawncop

    You made me laugh when you bit the gum. Enjoyed this episode very much. Am a big fan of the Mulderbosch Sauvignon Blanc will try the Chenin Blanc very soon.

    The earlier comment by kaybee rings very true regarding availability as I have tried to locate some wines featured and they are just not available.

    Good information and fun time, thank you sir.

  • JCN

    ha i miss the fruit stripe as well.

    where’s the affordable sparkling episode? i’m expecting at least one mumm napa on the show.

  • JCN

    ha i miss the fruit stripe as well.

    where’s the affordable sparkling episode? i’m expecting at least one mumm napa on the show.

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: No/either Juicy Fruit or plain ol’ Bubble Yum bubblegum

  • David T

    QOTD: No/either Juicy Fruit or plain ol’ Bubble Yum bubblegum

  • Lynda S

    bazooka! and no i have never had a Savennieres. i was kind of queazy when you spit the gum out the second time.

  • Lynda S

    bazooka! and no i have never had a Savennieres. i was kind of queazy when you spit the gum out the second time.

  • Lynda S

    i was curious about GaryV’s watch as well. bulova?

  • Lynda S

    i was curious about GaryV’s watch as well. bulova?


    My favorite gum is Gumby.


    My favorite gum is Gumby.

  • Buddhachu

    QOTD: Orbit Sweet Mint

  • Buddhachu

    QOTD: Orbit Sweet Mint

  • apj_bobswineguy

    Inky-dinky-doo!!!! Man, we thought Pete Incaviglia was going to be so great in TX. In one of his 1st Spring Training games he ripped a liner that broke the outfield fence (admittedly a very old rotten fence in Pompano Florida) But, of course, instead he struck out alot.

  • apj_bobswineguy

    Inky-dinky-doo!!!! Man, we thought Pete Incaviglia was going to be so great in TX. In one of his 1st Spring Training games he ripped a liner that broke the outfield fence (admittedly a very old rotten fence in Pompano Florida) But, of course, instead he struck out alot.

  • Yvettew

    Great show!! Learned so much, thanks for always pumping out these great shows for us to enjoy and learn!

    QOTD: Hands down, Bazooka gum.

  • Yvettew

    Great show!! Learned so much, thanks for always pumping out these great shows for us to enjoy and learn!

    QOTD: Hands down, Bazooka gum.

  • Bryan from EdisonNJ

    Gary – diggin’ the huge billboard on the NJ Turnpike, wishing you and the WineLib family a happy new year.

  • Bryan from EdisonNJ

    Gary – diggin’ the huge billboard on the NJ Turnpike, wishing you and the WineLib family a happy new year.

  • Gerry V

    Blast of a show Gary!

    QOTD: Every been to Tijuana Mexico? chicles! Okay, not my favorite gum but it does expand the gum palate. Or is that gum up the palate…


  • Gerry V

    Blast of a show Gary!

    QOTD: Every been to Tijuana Mexico? chicles! Okay, not my favorite gum but it does expand the gum palate. Or is that gum up the palate…


  • Noellems

    Brilliant episode! I try to bring some of that excitement to my elementary school classroom–when the kids are excited and engaged, they don’t even realize they are learning! Just like when we watch you bring The Thunder.

    QOTD: What was that soft gum, pieces were shaped like rounded-off squares, with minty gel on the inside? I loved that stuff in the mid-late 80s! Nowadays, my dentist says to have something with xylitol, and I usually pick up original Trident. Guess the flavor is alright, as the husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary yesterday!

  • Noellems

    Brilliant episode! I try to bring some of that excitement to my elementary school classroom–when the kids are excited and engaged, they don’t even realize they are learning! Just like when we watch you bring The Thunder.

    QOTD: What was that soft gum, pieces were shaped like rounded-off squares, with minty gel on the inside? I loved that stuff in the mid-late 80s! Nowadays, my dentist says to have something with xylitol, and I usually pick up original Trident. Guess the flavor is alright, as the husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary yesterday!

  • I had the complete ’87 set. Great year! Favorite gum has changed over the years. In chronological order: Hubba Bubba, Bubble Tape, Extra, Trident.

  • I had the complete ’87 set. Great year! Favorite gum has changed over the years. In chronological order: Hubba Bubba, Bubble Tape, Extra, Trident.


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