EP 888 Live Taping at the Wine Library Open House

During the huge Open House on 7/10, Gary Vaynerchuk brought everyone upstairs and taped a live show. He tasted two wines with the Vayniacs: a previous Cinderella Wine and a future one.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2005 Adobe Road Sonoma SyrahCalifornia Syrah/Shiraz

2005 Oberto Barolo Vigneto AlbarellaBarolo

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luca bercelli


lines of the day- ‘so all you jerkoffs from Boston can come down here and try to talk some trash’ and ‘Power and elegance. it’s like a 48lb chick doing Yoga. Then she kicks your ass.’

Great episode. GV really is a natural in front of a live audience

Tags: Barolo, red, review, Syrah, Video, wine, wines

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  • Niiice, the Cricket Club is def a nice location for a wedding. Have fun, and next time your in town, would definitely be down to pop some bottles. Cheers.

  • Lacchut

    Sorry I could'nt make it G.V. but I was away. Me and my boys are going up to Saratoga this summer like we've done for the last 15 years aand I always look forward to that. Good show!

    Chris The Cop

  • D_Rod

    I can vouch for the Barolo. It was legit.

    QOTD: I really wish I were in EspaΓ±a right now to celebrate being world champions.

  • What I would really like to do this summer is go to a NYC hotel bathroom and watch Gary do an interview. Wait, I already did that. Off the bucket list.



    You got a haircut!! πŸ™‚

    QOTD: Barnegat! OR..Hawaii <-Ive never been…really wanna go…

    Sorry I missed you (and everyone)…. next time. Promising.

  • I loved the Adobe Road at the party in NYC! Right up my alley. All the things that turned Gary off, are things I like. It was great to meet so many folks. And it was great to meet you, Gary. Thanks for bringing all the wine to the party.

  • Oops. QotD: France!

  • pawncop

    Wow, it certainly appears that a good time was had by all. Sorry I could not be there, I think I need to add this to my bucket list.

    QOTD – Out where it is cooler, so I could sit outside sip a glass or seven of my favorites, watch the world go by and forget about the nonsense I have to deal with every day.

  • johnfarrin

    QOTD: Seriously, if it wasn't all the way accross the country I would have loved to have been at WL.

    I have had one bottle of 2000 Oberto Vigneto Alberella (2008) and have one more in the racks. LOVED it!!!!!! You gave it a 93+ “Time has been kind to this Princess” and at $38 it was a very good QPR.

  • Dawn9850

    Would have LOVED to have been there Saturday…..maybe next time.
    QOTD: Australia/New Zealand

  • John__J

    qotd: Reunion, France. An Island a few hundred miles away from Madagascar that's ranked #50 in world wine production. I love varietals and regions that are very rare or unknown and I've been itching to find a wine from there, even tho the quality probably isn't that great.

    Awesome episode, great that you had everyone in the episode w you, Sorry I couldn't make it, hopefully next time.

  • Brunellofello

    Hey Gary, this was difficult for me to watch, only because I had planned on being there for weeks and then did not make it. My wife and three kids know how much I love WLTV and they actually bought the airfare for my birthday. But when it came time to leave, I just couldn't. The thought of leaving them, even for 24 hours, was more than I could stand. So we spent the whole day enjoying our time together. Sure, I looked at my watch alot, wondering how things were going in Springfield and NY, but I don't regret it at all. I thought about how many times you have said that life's all about family and friends. That made me feel better. Anyway, I'm glad the events were a huge success. Of course I will keep watching and commenting because that's how we do things.

  • NeilMc

    Wish I was there! QOTD: Napa on Labor Day. Other than that, all work and no play…

  • Marc-ChinaWineTours

    QOTD: I'm going to Kashgar (google it)!

    GV, see if you can get some Burgess 2005 Napa Valley Syrah…. delicious!

  • Jparadisee

    Still pissed that I missed the store event. But thrilled I made it to the RSHotel to meet awesome people, drink amazing wine, we hung with Gary for a bit, just an all around great night. Loved the cameo there by the Troutmonster! Looks like a good time was had by all that day.

    QotD: Well since I didn't get there on Saturday my goal for a summer trip is…The Wine Library of course πŸ™‚

  • QOTD: The Marshall Islands.

    -Marshall Jones Jr.

  • Tom

    Great show. Would have loved to be there, but had to work last weekend.

    QOTD: I'm hoping to go on a Rhine river cruise in about a month.

  • WOW What a story, BUT U HAVE TO COME NEXT TIME! its just 24 hrs πŸ˜‰ U ROCK!

  • RichieHell

    QOTD: Amsterdam.

  • WineWoman

    QOTD: Visiting wineries in CA or Oregon, Washington or Virginia. Even PA might work. Going to Wine Lib is always an adventure. Went earlier in the week, otherwise would have come to the party and mingled with the Vayniacs. Helped the hubby paint the living room on Saturday…hhmmmm……now where would I rather have been??????

  • thnx for having your own PALATE πŸ™‚ KUDOS!

  • I was so sad u werent here πŸ™

  • lol hahahaha

  • verdad…muy verdad. Salut!

  • guymandude

    Awesome! Glad to see a good turn out,wish was there.

    Should mention that Barolo is a little young , those tannins should settle in nicely.

  • A dumb Rhein king

    Sweet. Great Ep. I wish I could have made it. Maybe the next one that is not this year.

    QOTD: Mn wineries. I went to three on Saturday. Also the head waters of the Mississippi.

  • lawrenceleichtman

    Trying to get completely moved over the summer so no special trips for us. Looks like it was a great party. Wish we could have come.

  • alienrelic

    Great show. Would love to have been there.
    QOTD: Washington D.C. We were there in June, and had a fantastic time. I recommend it for anyone.

  • Randall

    [Unlurking for the lovely lady] I am going to take a 2 or 3 day long, leisurely drive through the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Maybe all the way up to Lake Tahoe.
    From here in Sactown I would have to drive through the Foothills Appellation, of course… Oh well, we may not make it all the way to the Lake…

  • QOTD: I'd go on ANOTHER California Wine Tasting Adventure down the coast – Monterey, Paso Robles and Santa Barbara!

    Erik Wait

  • Jhart44

    QOTD: Portugal!!

  • Mike and Anna

    Thanks for the Tivo shout out Gary πŸ™‚ it was good to meet you and see the taping! The 8 bottles of wine we bought was a highlight too since we are stuck under the rule of the PLCB.

    QOTD: France for sure. Favorite place by a mile. Also the tour de france is there now which is two of my favorite things in one!

  • SteveF

    Wish I could have been there, looks like you guys had a great time.
    QOTD: I want to go to Yosemite in Sept.

  • jsums

    Dude, thanks so much for such a great time on Saturday. It was excellent to finally meet you. The wife and I picked up some killer cheese, meat, spreads, and vino at the store (including some beautiful Tablas Creek blanc and the Leitz Rudesheimer Berg Kaisersteinfels 09 Riesling…OMFG!!! You're spot-on about how awesome that one is). Then we hit Luke's Lobster on your recommendation, and finished the day off with you and the other Vayniacs at the hotel. Just a wonderful day all around. You're an incredibly gracious host. Looking forward to making a trip out from Astoria to visit the Library again sometime soon. Cheers!

  • bobbytiger

    I was all set to go,
    until I saw Mott shoot by the striking blond,
    wearing the white sunglasses atop her head, & a wonderful no sleeve pink shirt,
    over white pants, accented by a nice short-strapped white purse.
    I believe she was drinking a red wine, [a nice one no doubt],
    from an 8oz. glass.
    She smiled.
    Now, again, what was the question of the day?

  • NY Pete

    where's castello?????????????????????

  • Best part of the vid: all of the Vayniacs saying your tagline at the end. Awesome.

    QOTD: South Africa partying with all the World Cuppers.

  • redrider21

    QOTD: Cinque Terre, Italy. Missed it on my only trip to Italy many years ago.

  • Bobby, that was Stephanie Miskew… she's not only striking, she knows her vino! http://content.corkd.com/author/stephaniemiskew/

  • thanks for the shoutout, J! awesome hangin' w/ you on saturday, let's do it again soon!

  • Looks like everyone had a great time. Wish I had been able to join you.

    QOTD: I have not figured that one out yet.


  • If you do open house 9/18 (day before NE game in NJ) I may go homicidal since I'm booked that Sat. too. Grr.

    QOTD: That was an excellent question. This summer would be France!

  • es

    First trip to napa. Need to go. That and space. Would love to go to space.


    Awe..I did try to meet in the city..but it just didnt workout. Besides, I dont wanna share you with so many!! LOLOL I def. promise to make the next one.. I SO wanna see you (and the vayniacs)

  • Awesome Show Gary, really sucked that we missed it concidering we were in NJ that week. The timing was just off because we had to be back in MA so Ana could go to work

    I hope you have another open house in the fall!!

    P.S. Kristen….get off your phone and pay attention!! LOL

    QOTD: Punta Cana

  • Cubatobaco (Ray)

    Great show, Gary!

    I was pissed that I had to miss this, but if you have one in the fall, I will definitely be there…cigars and all!!! I'm looking forward to the Borolo on Cindy.

    PS – Castello, did you go?
    PPS – Joe G was dressed to kill!!! : )

  • corkscrew

    Had an awesome time this weekend at the WL taping and NYC, muggy as hell in the room, but great wine (except for who brought the Les Cretes) and great people. http://www.winelx.com PS Discus still sucks, have to refresh to post, can't watch new shows on my laptop at work…

  • Clarkbar

    Great show. Loved the Barolo. And I'm excited to enjoy it in +5 years. Really appreciate the shout out to Minnesota. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the great party!

    QOTD: Seattle or Portland for the food and climate. Humidity in MN or NYC be damned.

  • Looks like a great time, would love to make the next one!

    If I could go anywhere it would be hiking on Kauai… still trying to figure out the best way to take wine hiking…

  • Mderoche

    I was wondering if you need to give your scoring a rethink. You really didn't like the Adobe Road much, and scored it 87-88. You loved the Oberto and scored it 92. So the difference between the two wines, the difference between not-like-very-much and adore, is all of 4 GV points (not to mention $67). Yet, as you said, the Oberto saved the show from going 0-2. Maybe not-so-good wines need to be scored lower than 87-88. Just a thought.


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