EP 894 Spanish Red Tasting with a Special Guest

Gary Vaynerchuk is joined with Jimmy Trent, a longtime Vayniac and contest winner. He brought 2 Gran Reserva wines to try from the Utiel-Requena region of Spain.

Wines tasted in this episode:

1997 Torre Oria Gran Reserva
1999 Torre Oria Gran Reserva

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luca bercelli


lines of the day – ‘These wines are like 2 Golden Retrievers, ones a couple of years older. One chilling on the floor and the other one trying too hard, constantly bringing the ball back etc’ and ‘I know more about baseball than anyone in the world’

Absolutely classic episode with a good guest and loads of sports trivia. (For example ‘Jerome Bettis is the biggest choker in the history of sports’)

Tags: red, review, Spanish, Tempranillo, wine, wines

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  • awesome! congrats on the grandbaby!

  • you're really nice. you should def enter everything he hosts, you never know what might happen.

  • let's do it!

  • sounds very interesting. glad you are doing what you love.

  • 🙂

  • have you read crush it? do you have an internet show? link it up, i'd like to watch.

  • thanks Craig. i'm definitely average by most standards.

  • big difference though, right?

    thx for answering.

  • do you play?

  • i remember that pic. I thought you had it for sure with the Jets play!

  • Prasm, thanks for the correction. I need to fix that. I hate that i had it wrong and it's forever on this show. Suck!

    I am a Steelers fan still though. 🙂

  • you and my youngest brother and the Skins. Should be an interesting year for them, maybe great!

  • Was thrilled to be on the show. Glad you're living what you love.

  • Thx jenna. 🙂

  • QOTD: I'm in the US Army, have been for the last 7 years. I work on the weapons and electronics of the AH-64D Apache Attack Helicopter – Google it, it's a monster. I've actually been mulling over what I would rather do, because that decision is fast approaching (my Army service is almost up). Too much to choose from; I'd like to be a cop or some other public servant, am interested in teaching, I would LOVE to own a bar or restaurant… list is endless

  • money isn't everything. happy to see you love what you do.

  • hah, which one is “THE University”? I know a LOT of them.

  • Thx! Twas fun. Glad to see you doing what you love. I really couldn't handle the student for life thing myself.

  • He should be back. He always does.

  • Thanks for staying tuned. Just following the mans lead on convo. 😉

    Sounds awesome what you do for a living!

  • i like it. not the Tribe thing, but the rest. 🙂

  • lol

  • Mike, thanks for serving!

    Good luck with what's next.

  • 7 years and it still feels odd to say “you're welcome” to that… but you're welcome lol

  • redrider21

    I hope you're right Jimmy. Just had my first experience with a super aged gran riserva rioja this weekend. It was a birthday gift – 1981 R. Lopez de Heredia. It was as old world as I've ever tasted, almost no fruit to be found – loved it.

  • corkscrew

    Let's face it disqus discusted sucks… Spainish wines rock, as long as they are new world. Good guest..too much blah blah blah…. QOTD-Mortgage Banker..anything within the wine business, make my own label one day soon. http://www.winelx.com

  • LLUErker

    Listening to him talk about how he got into WLTV reminded me of how I got into it. I first heard about Gary and WLTV from a documentary called Wine Confidential. I just happened to watch it and if not, I'd be missing all this.

    QOTD: Currently, I'm working for the census, but that's not going to last very much longer. Ideally, I'd love to be a fiction writer, or a professional gamer. But those aren't terribly realistic. That's like saying I'd want to be a boardroom executive… though probably less boring.

  • QOTD: Purchaser and I would love to trade and invest securities.

  • Simply disgusted that you would have a tarheel fan on the show!!! You should burn one of the five to balance this out!!

    QOTD: Software developer in silicon valley. Have to say I enjoy what I do though I love food and wine as well as my kids. Don't see anybody stepping up to support me indulging in those ;).

  • lawrenceleichtman

    I actually like what I do seeing children and help making them better. I would love to be paid to just drink wine but other than GV that isn't likely. Jimmy was quite crestfallen when you weren't that thrilled with the wines he brought.

  • it was a little tough but i was happy with his insight on old world flavors for the price. def feel like we found something good. and hey, in the end, it's my palate right? 🙂

  • love the passion. 😉

  • wawineguy

    QOTD: Day job is QA manager for a software firm in Seattle area. What I'd rather be doing: Own my own wine shop and get people to try new wines. Also nature/landscape photography on the side 🙂

  • big time goals! i like it.

  • Jimmy really enjoyed the show. As a Florida native I had to chime. I take pictures for a living and I could not imagine a better job. Great Show!

  • getting nervous there?

  • Jparadisee

    Qotd: I currently teach at a bartending school, and while I like what I do, I really want to work in the wine world. Currently taking classes and have applied for a position to make the transition and follow my real passion.

  • ktrain

    QOTD: I'm currently a student. I'd love to be a student for the rest of my life! When that doesn't work out, I want to be a chef.

  • Chad, thanks! Jordan Smith of Green Flamingo took the pic and edited it. She did do a great job. Where in Florida?

  • i couldn't do that… 😉

  • LurkerKing

    YESSS the power of the lurkside grows stronger every day.

  • John Rogers

    Okay you had a guest. It was alright with Jimmy being on. Good show and great interaction. Gary let the guest tell their story. Wine was not the dominant player in this episode but worth drinking.

    QOTD: I am retire now after over 30years in the mental health field but would of liked to have been a professional photographer. Maybe there is still time.

  • ONUMello

    QOTD (side) no
    QOTD: I'm a pharmacist and loving it. If I had to choose something else, three things come to mind: 1. something wine related, of course. 2. I work on the side in event security and have a blast. The pay sucks, if it would be more I'd do that. 3. I volunteer with the Red Cross doing first aid. If I could get paid for that as opposed to being a volunteer, I'd do it full time in a heartbeat.

  • Jro

    Never kept the coin, though I don't flip a coin for many things

    QOTD: I get paid to look at women's breasts, ie plastic surgeon, don't think that I need to answer the second part of that question.

  • I followed the penguins the most I have ever this past year. so I’m kinda just getting into it, i love it. One of the most war-like sports out there, i like that. As opposed to Soccer where it seems so theatrical, you know what I mean?

  • now I see. You didn’t say, the “U” so I wasn’t following. You guys going to be back in the mix of top 10 football again this year?

  • Nice show, a little to sportsy since those americans sports are not that popular (except NHL) in Sweden. Sorry that the discussion about the wines didn't lead to more about geting hold of mature wine and that we drink wine way to early. I'm an old wine, old world kindofaguy.

    QOTD: I work in Human resources, strategic work environmental and health expert and I get paid for that. I have a chocolate tasting business on the side, I get some money out of that but mostly pleasure. I write poetry and fantasy and factual books, I get no money for that.
    I would like to desgin golf courses and run a winebar. Yes, I'm messed up 😉

  • There is no room for diving in hockey ( I think soccer is the tame version of hockey but I still like it) and when players do it they are penalized. Diving (faking injury) is the worst element of soccer. I was happy with Holland’s play at the World Cup–would have liked it more had they won and not been considered the dirtiest team in World cup history, but hey…
    Penguins were pretty good last season. I was surprised by Montreal’s play to take them out of the playoffs.

    BTW: How the F*&% big is wine library? It seems massive. Give me the rundown, please.

  • RichieHell

    QOTD: I'm a CKC. So I don't get paid for anything.

  • yacochuya

    University of Miami…..I did not know that other schools refer to themselves as the U.


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