EP 989 Five Year Anniversary Tasting

Gary Vaynerchuk tapes on the road from TastingRoom.com on the 5th Anniversary of WLTV and tastes through some of the contenders for the next wine sampler.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 Talley Rincon Vineyard Arroyo Grande Valley Chardonnay
2008 La Follette Van Der Kamp Vineyard Sonoma Mountain Pinot Noir
2007 Blackbird Vineyards Illustration Napa Valley Red Blend

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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luca bercelli


Line of the day – ‘I start making kangaroo references that piss off Australia.’

Always love these on location episodes although could’ve done with Mott at the beginning when the light wasn’t right, GV looked like he was in a shadow.

Tags: chardonnay, Pinot Noir, red, review, Video, white, wine, wines

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  • THAT WAS AWESOME!!!! Where was that shot? Derring Hall? Randolf or Hancock? 🙂

  • Gary….. we need you to come to Virginia Tech. Is this enough motivation?

  • steve

    I think this is worth a visit.

  • oof! I may have inadvertently, added fuel to an east-west wine civil unrest in my comment over on Jo’s turf… I may have to go back over there…apologize and call for peace.

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: OK, admittedly narcissistic, but my favorite moment of the last 5 years was episode #428. You mentioned my name at 4:07. 🙂


  • it’s supposed to snow hard up here in the morning, but here in the Vnation it seems to be raining VTechs!
    even though it bums me out that they are able to co-op a lot of VT domain out on the intertubes, that the Green Mountain State would like…I say go team, and get GV’s comments loaded before he gets back east.

  • Gary,
    We are now getting to the point of begging. I mean seriously how can you say no to this:

  • Randall

    You need to post more often, friend…

    p.s. The USA is not really that far off from where you’re at, “geo-politically/financially”. We’re treading a mighty thin line over here, compadre…

  • McBryde!

  • Come visit Professor Boyer’s Geography of Wine

  • Anonymous

    WAY TOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous

    Man Your Old! 😛

  • Randall

    What? Just because one refers to a show from the ’50s or ’60s makes one “old”?

  • Anonymous

    For your fifth anniversary, I am finally willing to step out of the lurker closet. Thanks for everything over the last five years (although I’ve only been watching for a year or so). Glad you’re still going strong.
    QOTD: Loved a lot of the guests actually, and hard to pick one – but how can I not say the best episodes are the ones with your Dad?

  • Randall

    You are NOT Wilfred Wong… just a fan of BevMo…

  • Gary! See how much we love your show! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9axVgDLbROE

  • JRobRRV

    My favorite would be the episode when you had the various foods and drinks representing tastes and scents in wine. Keep it up Gary, we’re changing the wine world!!

  • Anonymous

    Congratulations on 5 years!!! Haven’t seen near all the episodes yet as I came late to this party, but I’ve watched around 300. Keep up the great work!

    QOTD: Favorite episode had to be the training your palate episode (#148). Favorite moment of that episode is when you realize your tongue is numb after munching on cloves.

  • Anonymous

    GV congrat on a big 5 years man that awsome. I actually watched the show today with my 2 year old daughter and she was calling you Vaychuk it was pretty funny.
    QODT: Man there are to many great moments to choose from but some of my favs. are the shows with your dad they are always great shows and prop. the weather affect on wine episode #182 it was one of the 1st ones I watch and I thought this guys crazy I have to watch more of these and that was that I was hook. You and your shows really opend me up to wine and the wine world so thank you. Keep up the great work GV and bring on 1000!!!!

  • Anonymous

    Dude, (yeah, you dont know me but I see you all the time and so consider you my dude friend) Congrats on the 5yr. I’m addicted to your show and thank you for expanding my world of wine… and breaking down some of the snobbish barriers. For the future, I will take what you can give, but thanks for what you’ve already done.

    QOTD: Have only seen several hundred shows, but the training your palatte was very funny – the queazy looks on your face made me laugh. And remember that gal who spelled your name wrong ….and then defused it with questioning your height. She was pretty lame (your name only scrolls across the screen EVERY time) but that was a good one.

  • Anonymous

    Dude, ( yeah, you don’t know me but I watch you all the time and so consider you my ‘dude’ friend) Congrats on the 5yr. I am addicted to your show – thanks for expanding my wine world and for breaking down some of the snobbish barriers.
    For the future, I’ll take what you can give, but thks for the nearly 1000 shows already in the can.
    QOTD: I’ve only seen a couple hundred shows, but I have gone to see the ‘train your palette’ one and the queazy look on your face was very funny. Remember the one with the gal who spelled your name wrong, but defused it by questioning your self-professed height? She was pretty lame ( your name only scrolls across the screen Every time) but that was a memorable episode.

  • Mick Walsh

    Thanks man, today is General Election day here so we finally get our say. Have a great weekend.

  • I’ll actually enjoy the dude as the Plaid Avenger commenting on the world.

  • Congratulations on 5 years, Gary! Sorry you couldn’t get to 1000 episodes on the day, though. We know you’re busy.

    QOTD: Still have so many to go back and watch, but probably the cereal, licorice or candy bar pairings were my favorite so far. And I actually really like your tasting with Suckling, even though it’s not technically a WLTV show. Though the guy can be a snob, it was good to have you to balance him out.

  • Happy 5th Anniversary!

  • Congratulations with your 5th anniversary.

  • Charlotte K. Jensen

    And also very expensive for a student which I will be again at that point.

  • Randall

    Well that sucks that you probably can’t make it over here… but think of the US dollar as being in the dumps right now… 😉
    Anyway, I still hope to see all of you folks then.

  • Woohoo! Good luck! God…the classes I had there. 😛

  • Don’t know who you are but your name is fierce!!! 😀

  • Congrats Gary on 5 good years, always enjoy the content so thanks!

    Have you heard of LoveThis? I’ve just started using it to get wine recommendations and its quite useful. They are looking for wine experts, you’d obviously be great for that. Maybe worth checking them out.. lovethis.com. Keep up the great blog, how do I subscribe?

  • Hey Gary you have to check out this new intro for your show!!!


    CKC Andrew Bowers, Virginia Tech

  • Anonymous

    I must be old too, since I know the reference to which TSL is speaking! 😛
    Now, those VATECHIES won’t have a clue! 😀

  • Anonymous

    GARY! 😛

  • Anonymous

    VAY! 😛

  • Anonymous

    NER! 😛

  • Anonymous

    CHUK! 😛

  • Anonymous

    HAPPY! 😛

  • Anonymous

    Happy five years!! Thanks for making wine so accessible to the CKCs. Come to Virginia Tech, how can you pass this up?!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9axVgDLbROE

  • Anonymous

    That is insane — god i miss college!

  • Anonymous

    Come down to Virginia Tech, as you can see there are 1 or 2 wine lovers who would like a word with you!


  • Anonymous

    You simply must come down to Virginia Tech. As you can see there are one or two wine lovers who would like a word…


  • Favorite moment is any Sasha episode!

  • Anonymous

    Congrats on 5 years! Looking forward to many more years of fun and knowledge.

    QOTD: Hard to pick a favorite wine episode, so I’m going to say “Beer Library TV”. I thoroughly enjoyed watching you take your first baby steps towards recognizing the amazing revolution in domestic beer in the last 2 decades. The GV that is open and honest and expands his own palate, thats the GV I like.

  • Anonymous

    Congrats! It’s been a blast learning from both you and Prof. Boyer about wine in the Geography of Wine class at Virginia Tech! I, along with a few other classmates (see link below) would LOVE to have you come and speak to us. LET’s GO HOKIES!!!

  • Anonymous

    Congrats! It’s been a blast learning from both you and Prof. Boyer about wine in the Geography of Wine class at Virginia Tech! I, along with a few other classmates (see link below) would LOVE to have you come and speak to us. LET’s GO HOKIES!!!

  • Gary V! Come to Virginia Tech!

  • Anonymous

    Gary, DON’T even think about stopping the show!! You may stop when you retire 40 years from now. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for you concern. I didn’t meant to complain to you about it lol. I know texas can have issues regarding liquor and beer laws and I just wish it were different…that’s all.


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