EP 1000 Episode 1,000

Gary Vaynerchuk has finally made it to episode 1,000 of Wine Library TV! It’s been an amazing ride since that day in February 2006, with great guests, amazing (and sometimes awful) wines, as well as a lot of Jets talk. Today, the main focus is a huge thank you to all the Vayniacs who helped make this community…and a huge announcement from Gary.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 Jerome Prevost La Closerie Les Beguines BrutFrench Brut Vintage

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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Tags: Champagne, review, sparkling, Video, wine, wines

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  • NY Pete
  • NY Pete

    Cheers Dom! All is well in never never land … 🙂

  • NY Pete

    Cheers Anders! Thanks for the link. Don’t do FB that much but I’ll check out the page.

  • Valentin Gasser

    Gary must revive the show. GARY, GARY, GARY, GARY, GARY…..

  • tennispro

    Hi All,

    Maybe the best way to get Gary Back is to talk about the Jets Jets Jets 🙂

    Will they make the playoffs with a rookie QB ???

    Drinking a 2006 Seavey Napa Valley ….. Good old napa fruit and wine making style. Solid 93+

    What’s the last 90+ point you tasted?

  • I am getting itchy

  • 🙂

  • tennispro

    Well, we would all certainly like to have you stretch your legs and throw us a retro WLTV episode. Bi-weekly, Monthly, Yearly …… TTF where you all be? Dominus, are you not sweeping the floors anymore 🙂

    On a side note – Jet lose at home to a winless Steeler team ??? Wow, what a letdown! I had such high hope for your team after the Falcon game ….. looks like it’s time to scale back expectations.

  • tennispro

    Snowden 2009 Reserve Cab. Wine is coming out of its infant state and developing a nice round richness. One of my best buys from WL.

  • NY Pete

    holy crap …
    look who the cat dragged in …
    hope all is well with you and the family.

  • Lisa S

    Hi TP, Nice to of you to pop in! Well,we all popped out (Anders, Dom JFarrin, NWIndiana Dan, etc) and started our own Vayniak Facebook page. Let me know if you want to join. Needless to say NYPete and Gary are welcome. Gary, we miss your wine reviews! Yes, a retro WLTV episode would be great.

  • Second that

  • Snowden, really ? 🙂

  • It looks like Gary actually popped a bit 🙂 Corison Kronos 2005 was the latest cab over 90, just ask Lisa 😀

  • tennispro

    Okay, Can the Jets take down the Pats tomorrow? Gonna be tough as I think the Pats are starting to gel…

    Non Vintage Opus 1 second label .. Overture (2007 juice I think) 92+ points.

  • tennispro

    Jets -Jets -Jets ….congrats GV on taking down the Pats today!

  • tennispro

    Wow – Nice win for the Jets,Jets,Jets after last weeks beat down….
    I can make this team out, but I do know they will need to score more points to go anywhere in the playoffs!

    Should they get there 🙂

    2011Ruche di Castagnole Monferrato – Laccento
    Very nice wine!

  • tennispro

    Snowden is killing it ! 🙂

  • tennispro

    Hope all is well!!! I’m waiting Gary out over here 🙂

  • On a roll there TP. Ferme De Martin Beume de Venise Red 2010. Lovely Provence garden scent and blue fruit flavours. Cheers

  • Kyle83uw

    Looong time lurker here – keep checking this site at least weekly hoping to see a new episode…good to see I’m not the only one. Anyone else see Gary’s tweet-

    “Thinking 2014 will be the year I come out of retirement and do some @WineLibrary TV

    Thoughts ?”
    Hope he comes back soon…

  • NobleRot

    Lurker forever…until now. Still enjoying old episodes. Hoping that by the time I finish those, Gary will post some new content. It really is amazing, in the time since Gary stopped posting wine videos, no one has been able to fill that gap in the wine world!

  • We old Vayniacs think he lost an opportunity there 🙂 But people have to do what they want to do.

  • NobleRot

    Just finished watching episode #647, the Bacon Show. There is NOTHING like this kind of content on the Internet right now. The passion, the genuine fascination, the sense of adventure are unrivaled. Not to mention the lovingly butchered French pronunciations! Still lots of episodes I haven’t watched, and enjoying them all.

  • NobleRot

    I just finished viewing episode #761, Canadian Wine in a Hotel in Toronto. Nice little video review of a wine that just happened to be in the hotel room. Gary must be travelling a lot these days promoting his new book. Probably lots of opportunities to film a little video just like this one, much like the old Daily Grape clips. One can always hope!

  • David Roberts

    Totally agree – Why would you walk away from being the next Robert Parker? I don’t get it. Selfishly, I’m pissed, as I miss the content. 🙂

  • tennispro

    Will the Jets, Jets, Jets go in a different direction in 2014 and fire Rex Ryan after next week?

    Will 2014 finally be the year that Gary V stops being a lurker ( 🙂 )and make that long awaited comeback to his old stomping grounds called winelibrary.com ?

    What wine region will rule in 2014 ?

    Gary what say you ??? 🙂

    Merry xmas and a happy new year to all!!!

  • God Jul och ett Gott Nytt Ã…r till er alla frÃ¥n Sverige
    Happy holidays and a Happy New year to all of you from Sweden.

  • I can never understand what Gary is saying about WLTV , but still if one is all drained quitiing might be the right move. Still spitballing about wine and tech though .http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbr8FbIFqR8

  • Hey Mott. Kind of strange on the Disqus. The latest post do not show in the flow.

  • Happy 2014 alla Vanyiacs

  • Dominus

    Yo yo Vayniacs! Just checking in to sweep the floors and check the mail. Hope everyone is doing well.

    My man Peyton is going back to the SB and will be playing close to the Wine Lib!


  • Neophyte

    Who is Sandra Zotti and is she starting up the Wine Library show again?? I received an email the other day to a video, but the link was to a private YouTube link so I couldn’t see it. I never understood why GaryV didn’t groom some successors and let the Thunder Show carry on when he was ready to move on, but like most alpha personalities, he thought the show was about him. Not dissing the guy, got mad respect for him, but he never understood that it was about the community he built and not about him completely.

  • Neophyte

    Colts grow up to be Broncos, and most the Hoosier state will be wearing their blue + orange next Sunday!

  • Dominus

    Ahhhh that’s a great one! I’ll make sure to quote you on game day.

    Go Broncos!

  • Dominus

    Good idea to have one take over the reins so to speak.

  • That is a good question It seems that there are three episodes done and published on Viddler.com Sandra’s Select via Winelibrary’s portfolio. The question is why did this not jump? Food and wine might be a good continium on the show since many, many peeps are interested in that combo 🙂

  • NobleRot

    Just watched a bunch of videos from August 2006. Man, there’s still nothing out there like these old WLTV videos. Really hoping that one day Gary will do some more wine content. Really missing his input of ideas and energy.

  • So this Thursday GV post on Facebook
    Throw Back thursday – 7 years ago … WINE LIBRARY TV


    maybe it’s time to come out of retirement

    Let’s see what happens, what do we have to jab him to hook it right?

  • Bring it on, post a message when the first english episode is up.

  • tennispro

    In a pinot type of mood. Just had a 2009 Boheme from the Russian River area. My kinda juice 🙂 Any California recommendation…? Here’s to a great 2014 Summer!

  • Dominus

    Just stopping by to check the mail and sweep the floors.

    Hope all is well with the Vayniacs.

  • Dominus

    Mott’s birthday is coming up I believe. I will return to wish him a Happy Birthday.

  • Dominus

    How long has it been since Episode 1000? I watched it again and still get choked up.

    I’m such a wuss.

  • Right back at you TP

  • Turning 53 and still at it at WL according GV earlier this year

  • 3 years and 2½ months now.

  • filice1953

    Gary, good luck on the new Daily Grape venture. You have succeeded with WineLibraryTV where so many others struggle or fail. You have been an inspiration.

  • Three years plus now Dom. better face it. He is not coming back, unless he collects them all on Blue Ray and sell in a box 🙂


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