EP 828 2007 Loire Valley Chenin Blanc Tasting

Gary tastes 2 wines, a Vouvray and a Montlouis, made from the interesting and versatile Chenin Blanc grape.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2007 Francois Chidaine Montlouis Les TuffeauxVouvray
2007 Francois Chidaine Vouvray Clos BaudoinVouvray

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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luca bercelli


line of the day (to Mott) – ‘what did you watch last night…and don’t lie’

A few too many ‘in-jokes’ for me to get too pumped about this episode and a disappointing wine didn’t help

Tags: review, Video, Vouvray, white, wine, wines

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  • Uncle sam

    Leather FRACKING PAlate

    the guy is a humble rock star.

  • vpass64- WLTV has their own wine called Sharp Shooter(Pinot Noir and Chardonnay). I have tried both of them and they are great wine at a super price.

  • NY Pete

    LLtD … insert it here

  • NY Pete

    I heard the elf is 3 timing you.

  • My favorite commenter is Pipes.

  • Sally Mae

    the very rare LeatherPalate comment is all I need!

  • Gary,
    Great show, it proves to all those red wine only dudes that there is great diversity in white wine. I believe much more then red. A wine lover is missing out if they do not explore this section of the wine world. You have to love chenin blanc! Christhecop was a great guest and I loved his down-to-earth comments. I will be paying closer attention to his posts. I am going to change my user name to my local Moniker. Showing the love to Gary V. by getting rid of the Colts reference.

  • Joan

    Great show Gary!
    I love love loves me some CB!

    It's good to see LP comments on here again!

  • paulkochevar

    As true wine newbie…another grape to explore…great show! Wish I could get cinderella wine in MN!

  • Stewie

    Goodbye sailorman, hello Stewie!

  • ivylarson

    Thanks Gary! Hubby and I are gonna try the Francois Chidaine Montlouis Les Tuffeaux tonight =) by the way, did u hear about the latest waist-slimming benefits of wine published in Archives or Internal Medicine?


    And, what about doing a show on an organic wine? would LOVE a good recommendation!!

  • Too bad you went with such high expectations for the Vouvray. I'm still pretty sure it's a great drink in a challenging year like 2007 was.

    One VERY important think you forgot to mention about Chenin is its longevity and how they improve in bottle. Dry styles will last at least 5 years, tendre off-dry 10-15, and moulleux will last forever.

    QOTD. Everybody that comments should be recognized as opposed to the lurkers…

  • Allan

    When will Oz Clarke be on your show?

  • castello

    Welcome back Mr Rickles! Thanks for the vote. I think you can vote three times for me since you have three different avatars on this episode alone. I think I'll get free shipping for a year, so keep the votes coming!

  • castello

    Who is this leatherish palate rockstar guy?

  • castello

    I'll take that as a vote for me!

  • castello

    You work hard for your comments! I'll sell my vote in your name to the highest bidder(s)

  • QOTD: current = Washington Wine Guy; all time = KAHUNA

    I have neglected Chenin Blanc, but based on this episode I will make more of an effort to try it. Unfortunately don't see the first wine at any stores near me 🙁

  • PurpleGrillz

    Wayno da Wino is my favorite. ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME FOREVER!

    Chenin Blanc is good for what ails you.

  • castello

    OZ would be Awzome!

  • I thought thats what he said too!

  • iloveriesling

    Gary – do you think that the Clos Baudoin will soften with time? Perhaps it's looking a little tight at this point in its development…?

  • philoxera

    A shout out!!!!!!!! feelin da love Greatness!

  • QOTD: Mott.

    Too bad about that second Chenin Blanc. I'm all for the biodynamic if it helps someone get closer to their vineyard, or helps someone who only knows ag-industry, to see another set of options, but as a marketing stamp alone, it is not necessarily the mark of a good, or great wine.

  • is that even possible with OZ being BBC contracted? It' would be great .

  • and you 😀

  • they do. They have had at least one release of there own blend in cojunction with a vinyard. I have only been watching for a year so I'm not that sure about past dealings in wine even thou I've tried to watch a lot och back episodes.

  • did have a very nice biodynamic Vouvray at a tasting last week, with our pals at Artisanal Cellars:
    Domaine Vigneau Chevreau 2008…my notes say pretty pear and lemon drop nose, middle acids, sophisticated elegant elusive fruit, mineral chalky finish. Was not scoring…guessing $26 retail.

  • Braden G

    QOTD – I am going to have to go with RANDINTHECITY – great comments and HAWT HAWT HAWT!!

  • Allan

    Probably not….. It definitely would be great, he could bring along James May as well…

    Oz is my favourite wine personality, Sorry Gary.

  • TommyB

    QOTD: can't be me – my comments are just too boring! I do like Wayne Da Wino's randomn outbursts though.
    I'm one of your solid dependable commenters Gary – maybe I can get a shout out!…? UK reprezent???…..

  • Allan

    Rickles is a genius! Thnx again. I'll be back in 10 hours time, i'm calling it a day early this time. I need 10 hours of sleep otherwise i'm a wreck! Have a good new ep. Thunder time ; )

    One word Gary: BLIND TASTING PLEASE! (Well that's 3)

  • Green_Pea

    QOTD: NY Pete

  • Green_Pea

    You must be having technical difficulties because I didn't hear my name… 😉 Start over and I'll turn my speakers up.

  • Nice to see you shout out to some of the oldies

    QOTD: Mrs. Buehler

  • elron

    Who is the Bozo now?

  • ExViTermini

    I'm a bit glad GV didn't like the Vouv because if he did it would be sold out before I could get my hands on it! I've fallen in love with Vouvray and I hope it stays quiet. I was in love with Malbec 5 years ago before it exploded. I hope we can keep this on the DL!

  • vpass64

    Cool. Thanks for doing the research. I'll check it out.

  • lawrenceleichtman

    Have to differ with GV here. I like the Chidaine Vouvray especially the 05, just went to the store to get the 07 to see if there is a big difference. I have no favorite commentators. Us older guys have had bad experience with US Chenins that it may have ruined them for a while but when I go out and buy a sparkling Chenin from Loire, I forget all about US chenin.

  • Shootmenow

    newbie 😛

    At leas there is love for the homeland! (and no free shipping)


  • jsums

    This weather has me jazzed for some brighter white wines. Just busted out a Shaya Verdejo '08 last night. Love that wine…$12 bones! Crazy. Thanks so much for bringing it to my attention. QOTD – Dominus. Us Colts fans gotta stick together, right? Here's a shout-out to all those Vayniac Hoosiers!

  • boomy13

    Great episode GV. Love the energy and excitement.

    Favorite commenter… dont have one. I know I just disappointed many, probably you more than the rest combined, but I dont have the time to read through the comments. I drop my peace for you to check out, and I bounce. Now that you got me feeling guilty, I'll make a better effort to find a commenter that brings thunder.

  • thnx bro!

  • pawncop

    A good episode.

    If you will permit an observation – I appreciate your anticipation in many ways. We all have our anticipations and when those anticipations are met, all is right with the world, things are rosy and it is wonderful to be alive.

    When those anticipations are not met, as so often they are not, then we are often devastated, we are crushed, and everything sucks.

    I have observed on many occasions that your anticipations are not met and I think you are just a little bit too harsh in your review.

    Now I understand where your judgement come froms, and so long as you continue to encourage us to “Trust our own palate” I will continue to trust your judgements and reviews.

    But if I might suggest, judging, reviewing, scoring, however one wishes to look at your efforts, the more you can disallow you own anticipation the better your judgment will be perceived.

    It is so very hard to separate your passion from your judgment and in fact, your passion my actually outweight your analysis of the wines.

    Just some random thoughts from an old country cop.

    QOTD – I don't spend a lot of time with the comments as I do not feel they pertain to me. The comments are feedback for you. If others can gather any meaningful information then I am grateful that I have helped them.

  • Englishexlurker


    im writing a comment cos, well im an EX lurker.

    Buy i really dont know anyone yet…

  • jsherdc

    My experience in the past with the Chidaine wines, is that they are much better 1 day after opening, and are still going strong a week later….

    I think 2007 was too warm. The 2005 Chidaine's are unbeleivable.

  • Phil G

    Um… I'm trying to pretend that after well over 500 comments, I didn't get snubbed in those shout outs.

    QOTD – no answer in protest.

  • Phil G

    well, I can't resist.

    QOTD – I would not say one person, but rather that random commentator who is really annoyed or angry with GV and/or the show. They rant and rave about something and often have a misguided or sometimes insulting take on WLTV. Then everyone else rips into them in more postings and the instigator has some sort of follow up. I don't really agree or like those 'haters', but they do make things interesting around here…

  • waynoooo daaaaa winoooo

    WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA, Thems looooooks like some Cooooool Vinoooos!!!!!
    Gonna watch this Puppy tomorrow!!!!! :o)

  • Too bad about the Vouvray….but “Banana peel meets lemon zest”…damn that sounds unctuous and righteous! Love the Chenins and Love the Loire! Keep pumping up the lesser-known whites from the Loire, especially as we head into Spring and Summer….this is the year I start drinking a hell of a lot more white wines. And I dig New World wines, but come on, you simply cannot be the diversity and complexity of most French and Italian whites. Hit up some Orvietos for Spring!

    QOTD: Mott, Mott, and then Mott. Especially with his 'screw the Oscars watch District 9″ attitude. But Grape_Ape has to get a shout out simply on name alone. How many people in this forum are actually old enough and geeky enough to have watched the Grape Ape cartoon? Dudes! That shizzle was a classic Saturday-morning-old-school-eatin'-fruity-pebbles-in-front-of-TV-show. Grape-Appizzle!


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