EP 348 A Taste Of A 2005 Bordeaux

Gary Vaynerchuk tastes one of the serious 2005 Bordeaux.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2005 Michel Rolland Episode OneOther Red Bordeaux

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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Had this wine in the cellar..lost it in a breakup….. http://www.winelx.com

Tags: 2005 bordeaux futures, red, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • Paul M

    I hit F11 like 50 times but still could not get the smell … maybe I need a MAC.

  • Paul M

    I hit F11 like 50 times but still could not get the smell … maybe I need a MAC.

  • Saftig

    Would it kill you to change your shirt when you tape five shows a day to give us the illusion that you’re there and maintain the mystery that is WLTV? I kid. I bet only the girls noticed that.
    QOTD: Have to go with my children on the transformation issue. They were happy, smart, funny, fun-loving young people who have grown into three very different, amazingly wonderful adults. Still with gift of humor, but caring, compassionate, in the moment, citizens of the world. Makes me proud to know them. Daughter and son-in-law took the anniversary money we sent (which they could surely have used, being a young Navy couple) and rescued a dog from the shelter. Life is good.

  • Saftig

    Would it kill you to change your shirt when you tape five shows a day to give us the illusion that you’re there and maintain the mystery that is WLTV? I kid. I bet only the girls noticed that.
    QOTD: Have to go with my children on the transformation issue. They were happy, smart, funny, fun-loving young people who have grown into three very different, amazingly wonderful adults. Still with gift of humor, but caring, compassionate, in the moment, citizens of the world. Makes me proud to know them. Daughter and son-in-law took the anniversary money we sent (which they could surely have used, being a young Navy couple) and rescued a dog from the shelter. Life is good.

  • MossyMo

    GV, I’m busting! I cannot wait for all of your future 05 Bordeaux tastings…please do many of them!!!

  • MossyMo

    GV, I’m busting! I cannot wait for all of your future 05 Bordeaux tastings…please do many of them!!!

  • MossyMo

    Go Right Bank, yo! St. Emilion!

  • MossyMo

    Go Right Bank, yo! St. Emilion!

  • TommyBoBo of WI

    Let me tell all of you how I would like to change the world…. When I’ve decided to share my attention with someone, because I like them, and listening intently to them is to honor them,, and then the F – – – – – – – Phone goes off, and they choose to talk to someone else at that moment,,, I am now going to walk away… Technology is great, but if you loose all sense of having manners, respect for those you are engaged with at that moment, it’s not worth beans!! So turn off the damn phone for 8:42 minutes and give us your attention,, and we will do likewise. Tks for your wish of a good weekend, I wish you well also.

  • TommyBoBo of WI

    Let me tell all of you how I would like to change the world…. When I’ve decided to share my attention with someone, because I like them, and listening intently to them is to honor them,, and then the F – – – – – – – Phone goes off, and they choose to talk to someone else at that moment,,, I am now going to walk away… Technology is great, but if you loose all sense of having manners, respect for those you are engaged with at that moment, it’s not worth beans!! So turn off the damn phone for 8:42 minutes and give us your attention,, and we will do likewise. Tks for your wish of a good weekend, I wish you well also.

  • t_modene

    You lost me on this episode. Between the Cara interruption and the ranting at the end, ya lost me. Stick with the wine.

  • t_modene

    You lost me on this episode. Between the Cara interruption and the ranting at the end, ya lost me. Stick with the wine.

  • Deano

    LOLZ gary this episode is awesome. We are changing the world lolz.

    -I saw a friend go through a huge transformation recently and it was for the better.

  • Deano

    LOLZ gary this episode is awesome. We are changing the world lolz.

    -I saw a friend go through a huge transformation recently and it was for the better.

  • Stu

    QOTD: My daughters

  • Stu

    QOTD: My daughters

  • bmw

    qotd: ultimately life is simply transformation. There are too many to consider any one as the most significant or biggest. From my sister deciding to have a child on her own at 38 to moore’s law and the internet. Gary you’re part of some significant transformations about communication and community.

    And thank you for not scoring wies that are still not grown up.

  • bmw

    qotd: ultimately life is simply transformation. There are too many to consider any one as the most significant or biggest. From my sister deciding to have a child on her own at 38 to moore’s law and the internet. Gary you’re part of some significant transformations about communication and community.

    And thank you for not scoring wies that are still not grown up.

  • Phil G

    Have a great weekend to you!

  • Phil G

    Have a great weekend to you!

  • NathanN

    Great show GV! YaYa I know I didnâ??t listen to you & buy any futures.

    QOTD: Enjoy watching my boys change all the time.

  • NathanN

    Great show GV! YaYa I know I didnâ??t listen to you & buy any futures.

    QOTD: Enjoy watching my boys change all the time.

  • Elliot

    QOTD: Gary Vaynerchuk’s demeanor from Episode 1 to Episode 348

    – Elliot *The Original CKC Representative (Episode 225)

  • Elliot

    QOTD: Gary Vaynerchuk’s demeanor from Episode 1 to Episode 348

    – Elliot *The Original CKC Representative (Episode 225)

  • Harley Stan

    Nice episode today, full body episode with an explosive finish.
    QOTD – The mobile phone, first they were attached to the car, then miniturized with only a bag and a shoulder strap, now they fit in your pocket, smaller than you hand, built in music, internet access, camera, calendar, calculator, and more memory than my first PC ( not the commodre 64 but the one I had around 1995 with on 5.6 gig hard drive that they said I could never fill). I can watch WLTV from an I phone, how cool is that.

  • Harley Stan

    Nice episode today, full body episode with an explosive finish.
    QOTD – The mobile phone, first they were attached to the car, then miniturized with only a bag and a shoulder strap, now they fit in your pocket, smaller than you hand, built in music, internet access, camera, calendar, calculator, and more memory than my first PC ( not the commodre 64 but the one I had around 1995 with on 5.6 gig hard drive that they said I could never fill). I can watch WLTV from an I phone, how cool is that.

  • Ferrigno


  • Ferrigno


  • QOTD: A Semi-Truck turning into a robot

  • QOTD: A Semi-Truck turning into a robot

  • Great show gaz. I’ll have to add this one to my collection. QOTD: Last years biggest loser winner!

  • Great show gaz. I’ll have to add this one to my collection. QOTD: Last years biggest loser winner!

  • Mason

    I will wish you a happy early birthday if you wish me one, Gary! My B day is tomorrow, Nov.10th. I plan on enjoying a bottle of Matthews Claret from Washington tomorrow evening at one of my favorite local restaurants, with my wife. I truly hope that your weekend is great, and look forward to Monday!

  • Mason

    I will wish you a happy early birthday if you wish me one, Gary! My B day is tomorrow, Nov.10th. I plan on enjoying a bottle of Matthews Claret from Washington tomorrow evening at one of my favorite local restaurants, with my wife. I truly hope that your weekend is great, and look forward to Monday!

  • Darlene O.

    Loved the episode, Gary, as always! MOSTLY, loved what you said at the end, and I agree sooooo ridonculously! We ARE so very blessed to be able to sit in front of a computer, possibly drinking one of the wines recently reviewed, watching you review a wine and, most likely, have the ability to purchase that wine. What an awesome life!!!

  • Darlene O.

    Loved the episode, Gary, as always! MOSTLY, loved what you said at the end, and I agree sooooo ridonculously! We ARE so very blessed to be able to sit in front of a computer, possibly drinking one of the wines recently reviewed, watching you review a wine and, most likely, have the ability to purchase that wine. What an awesome life!!!

  • Hey Gary, I am doing something alike yestoday and the following week. I got some 2005 Bordeaux from 6 small wineries under just Bordeaux appellation, and I will try them out one by one, from 80% Cab to 100% Merlot. I can imagine what you have tasted…haha, have fun. We love tasting~~~~

  • Hey Gary, I am doing something alike yestoday and the following week. I got some 2005 Bordeaux from 6 small wineries under just Bordeaux appellation, and I will try them out one by one, from 80% Cab to 100% Merlot. I can imagine what you have tasted…haha, have fun. We love tasting~~~~

  • Medo

    Great Ep Gary! Had to think of Brave Start after your “Changing the world”.. 🙂

  • Medo

    Great Ep Gary! Had to think of Brave Start after your “Changing the world”.. 🙂

  • Karl Laczko

    Hey Gary, I really like it that you didn’t try and guess on the wine if it was not ready, you may have done it justice, but why take the risk? (But you could have given us a clue about when you tink it would be ready to try again (1 year, 2, more?)).

    Wholeheartedly agree with you on the life statements, the “Western” World has never had it so good compared to anywhen else in history, and compared to many African, Asian and S. American countries today – I find myself appreciating this more and more and I aim to enjoy it while I can.

    QOTD – Has to be the change in kids when they hit those teenage years, jeez, how do you prepare for that?

  • Karl Laczko

    Hey Gary, I really like it that you didn’t try and guess on the wine if it was not ready, you may have done it justice, but why take the risk? (But you could have given us a clue about when you tink it would be ready to try again (1 year, 2, more?)).

    Wholeheartedly agree with you on the life statements, the “Western” World has never had it so good compared to anywhen else in history, and compared to many African, Asian and S. American countries today – I find myself appreciating this more and more and I aim to enjoy it while I can.

    QOTD – Has to be the change in kids when they hit those teenage years, jeez, how do you prepare for that?

  • Anonymous

    SO DAMN LUCKY!!! Changing the world INDEED!! Glad to be a part of the Vaynernation on this thankful Friday. Cheers and all the best, BIG G.!

  • YoungDave

    SO DAMN LUCKY!!! Changing the world INDEED!! Glad to be a part of the Vaynernation on this thankful Friday. Cheers and all the best, BIG G.!

  • JonE

    QOTD: Deciding to go for it.

  • JonE

    QOTD: Deciding to go for it.

  • That might be the first time I’ve ever heard Gary curse on WLTV!

  • That might be the first time I’ve ever heard Gary curse on WLTV!

  • Jim in Atlanta

    You are so right. We are very lucky and need to appreciate it.

  • Jim in Atlanta

    You are so right. We are very lucky and need to appreciate it.


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